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Warner Bros. Creates DC Entertainment

Disney and Marvel can’t get all the spotlight this month. Finally, Warner Brothers is getting their act together and creating a separate entity just for DC Comic films. After the success of Marvel Studios and lackluster performance of Superman Returns, Warner Brothers has been struggling to make profitable films out of their ownership of DC (aside from the rebooted Batman series). Now, on the heals of the news of Disney acquiring Marvel, WB has started a production company within their ranks dedicated to just DC films. Check out the press release for much more details.

What does this mean to us, the Viral Nation? Well, the obvious thing is we should be seeing better quality films that might be more woven together into a singular universe as Marvel has done with the Avengers. More specifically, this could lead to some very interesting viral marketing for DC films, depending on the success of the Iron Man 2 viral and any others Marvel Studios may have planned. I would love to see the DC Universe adequately represented in a viral world. They have a good head start with The Dark Knight being the shining example of a perfect ARG.

What do you think about Warner Bros. establishing DC Entertainment, Inc.? Let us know in the comments below!
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