2012: Chicago Drop Location Findings Dan Koelsch, October 9, 2009October 10, 2009 For those following the 2012 viral campaign and the IHC conspiracy subplot, we’ve got a good update for you. Thanks to member Lightning257 of the unfiction forum, we now have the information from the Chicago drop location. They picked up the package and it had a coded memo and flash drive with diagrams just like at the other locations. Below is the coded memo:185: 171916116421 163352331422234232422 62213910131811 208252071023 261120262081919 11192013 251243243825182316 112414 14262412316516 61756212619 219 463492672332 814892028 24171221 1922225 823102471052322 20723 211225 22 251191281161 1618262621616. 1316757122510 3418861318 81225 162361917619716191465 1820761152211171621 2212101712912641723152, 5188 624 7 2512262191 21613 1542121 313112215 136202315 142471724212665 10222525 1619 16192510892019 105 6202012716 19 12620552411 26991410123814 49 1641 261524317. 2517 22617614 1916135 1020 4172210 151216122387 5188 13141213174 27181781811, 412 169413 421413 418193 2611263562520510 61 1811314117 82219 18167224 1817159. 922212210262452221 112126235191212111 121814523 2225 221722472223726 510 1752 1232218 5422 23551119. 1416196 5171518147227 192118251222121817121710 5188 141982310624109 251252671520781811 1122581162221 142326 31714 22191615 46112635 5115617255 14518 152823172341581918 168 17 9221012311.24136221625 5241524512 211225 144294142422915720 241451026 1724154217 1032031017. 1974 19315165 2155 517151814722111716 189 24129 2123201510825 72411 1621 18132324926127 1815 418193 142625520256164. 2513261319172517266 226 1577197723221 2209234198 105 2251012922 2176111210132112176 22871327142412 15838142512121510142524.2277 15162322, 139224162 1213183 1972619 208919 16236192310624 1121 82822 1918163 6199 25142111810 912 1213201321312 10153141 2151114192417.Unfiction forum member “catherwood” was able to decode the memo, and here is the result:RE: Project NaaczaalStatus Briefing October TenSmall scale prototyping and complete testing of propulsion system have been performed and are a complete success.Original designs have overperformed predictions significantly, and as a result the full scale build blueprints will be adjusted to occupy a smaller footprint in the craft.As cargo space is both limited and highly valuable, we have used this opportunity to expand the cargo bays.Redesigned schematics should be available in the next few weeks.More complete provisioning and increased sustainable duration for the life support systems are anicipated as a result.Funding levels are significantly behind target levels. The scope and completion of the project are in jeopardy if this continues. Management is assessing methods to ensure construction continues uninterrupted.All staff please note that this overview is eyes only and should be deleted after reading. As if it weren’t obvious before, we can tell they are building some kind of ship, and the fact there are propulsion systems and cargo bays mean its big and powerful. Modern Day Noah’s Ark, anyone? Here’s the four diagrams we got from the Chicago drop (click on the images for full size): What do you make of all of this? Are the diagrams really important? What could they possibly tell us about the IHC and its scandalous ways? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Once we get the info from the Miami drop, we may be able to piece it all together, or we may need even more clues. With how intricate this viral has become, who knows? 2012 is in theaters November 13th and you can discuss these updates to the viral here, or on our forum. Also check out the MovieViral 2012 page for information on the film and its viral campaign. MOVIEVIRAL.COM OFFICIALLY ENDORSES TIM S. Thanks again to unfiction for the help! Looks like even the Corruption Theory site is using their legwork. Viral Marketing 2012
Confused by the 2012 Viral? Sony Creates an Official Guide October 23, 2009Once again Unfiction pulls through with another update for the 2012 viral campaign. The campaign has taken a big turn in past few months. With several new websites, storylines, characters, and activities, it can be tough to keep up and make sense of it all. The marketing team for the… Read More
How the Cloverfield Monster and Everything On Pandora Can’t Exist March 22, 2010Back when our forum was a Cloverfield forum, one of the biggest discussions after the movie came out was what Clover really was and how it survived in the water. Designer Neville Page said he made the monster biologically accurate, but the guys at Cracked.com aren’t so convinced. Read More
USA Network’s “Psych” Launches Ambitious Social Media Game for New Season October 1, 2011January 10, 2012Psych is one of my favorite shows on television. The USA Network mainstay is known for its unique brand of offbeat humor and tremendous chemistry among the show’s cast, and now has ambitious plans of incorporating social media and viral websites into the its upcoming 6th season. Announced this past… Read More