Even More District 9 Concept Art Revealed! Dan Koelsch, October 23, 2009November 19, 2009 On Wednesday, we brought you some cool concept art from District 9 that will be on the DVD. Now, we have even more from the Weta Workshop themselves. Weta, a special effects company founded by the film’s producer Peter Jackson, designed the aliens and machinery that when into District 9. You may remember we interviewed Greg Broadmore from Weta last month on the weapons he designed for the film. Now the company has posted several images of their concept art for the aliens, weapons, machines, and even the little “pet lobster” fighting aliens as the drawings call them. Check out the page for yourself, there’s definitely some cool things. Here is what Iain, who wrote the original article, had to say about it:Since Wednesday even more concept art has been revealed. Thanks to Deadpool from the forums for the heads-up. Most interesting among them is some examples of signs for the movie/marketing campaign, examples of the alien language, a “ferro fluid dongle” and the most interesting of all, a “open mouth” predator style headshot. We didn’t see this open mouth action in D9, so you have to wonder, was it because of the predator comparisons that would be raised, or is it because they were keeping the good stuff for the next movie? The foreign posters certainly showed an army of Exo-suits, so you never know! It could be Prawn warfare! Some of those unused alien designs were kind of silly, so I’m glad they ended up where they did. Here are a few examples of the pictures from the site. Let us know what you think! District 9 releases on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 29th, and is available for pre-order now. News District 9
New Repo Men Director’s Cut Trailer March 10, 2010The Repo Men official website now has a Director’s Cut Red Band trailer. While Director’s Cuts are common in DVD releases of films, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of one for a trailer. You can definitely tell the difference between director Miguel Sapochnik’s take verses a marketing… Read More
“Godzilla 2” Confirmed For A June 2018 Release August 14, 2014August 14, 2014Godzilla 2 was inevitable. Once it became that box office hit on it’s first weekend, Legendary went to work on getting a sequel done. But then Gareth Edwards said he would be directing a Star Wars spinoff. Most thought that meant Edwards wouldn’t return to direct a sequel. However, Legendary… Read More
‘Cloverfield’ Sequel Will Happen…Eventually March 21, 2011The seed that began MovieViral was the J.J. Abrams-produced Cloverfield. While we never got a chance to cover the film’s viral campaign as part of this website, we have been following the much-rumored sequel since our birth. Now director Matt Reeves confirms that a sequel is indeed in the works. Read More