The Office Webisode “Subtle Sexuality” Now Online Plus New Website Dan Koelsch, October 29, 2009October 29, 2009 As we mentioned last week, The Office is bringing back their wildly popular webisodes, and this time we get an extra treat in the form of a music video. This series is about Erin, Kelly, Ryan, and Andy from Dunder Mifflin creating a group called Subtle Sexuality and making a music video called “Male Prima Donna”. The three episodes including the music video itself debuted today. Take a look at the hilarious music video below: Erin is easily my favorite in the video, though you can’t beat Ryan’s eye liner. The group is technically only Kelly and Erin, with the guys just being guests. They even have their own website, so check it out to see more about the group, including tour dates (which are just open mics around Scranton). Obviously Kelly is the star of the group and so far Erin seems cool with that. Catch the entire series at I love the idea of making the series a behind-the-scenes kind of thing; really smart. Let us know what you think of the music video and series in the comments below. The Office airs Thursday nights at 10/9c on NBC. Viral Marketing The Office
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Campaign Wants Your Original Artwork! May 9, 2013May 9, 2013Briefly: We’ve been following the lackluster Star Trek Into Darkness Are You The 1701 campaign quite closely since it went live last week. The first “mission” was to submit pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine that were inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” 1701 fans were rewarded with… Read More
Predators Website Has New Features and Games June 30, 2010A while back, the Predators website debuted with the promise of interesting features. There has been some anticipation on exactly what these features were. Fortunately, two have been activated, and both are definitely not for anyone who doesn’t like highly NSFW images. Get ready to slash a site and loose… Read More
Everyone Goes Too Far In “Inside” Episode 6 August 3, 2011These recent episodes of The Inside Experience have been coming fast, and now we have Episode 6. This morning Christina woke up to find that her captor had recorded her (fortunately clothed) shower and put it on the Internet. Watch her extreme and unfortunate reaction after the break. Read More