2012: A Few More Details On The TV Series Dan Koelsch, November 16, 2009November 16, 2009 As we reported earlier this month, Roland Emmerich himself is planning a TV series as a spin-off/sequel to 2012. Today we have just a bit more details thanks to MTV News. Spoilers follow, so be warned. Emmerich explains that the show takes place after the arks get to Africa, which is supposedly the only land above water, though I thought I saw some more land during that reverse zoom of Earth to end the film. Either way, the series would follow an all new cast, which includes people from the arks as well as those already on the continent. Emmerich suggests it would be somewhat like LOST, and he’s pitching it to LOST’s home ABC, so it might be a nice replacement once the show goes off the air next year. Check out the interview to see Emmerich explain it himself: Movie Trailers – Movies Blog What do you guys think of a 2012 TV Series? Would the proposed name “2013” be too hokey? Is the idea itself too hokey? Let us know what you think in the comments below. News 2012
Is District 9 Actually a Sequel? January 8, 2010November 16, 2010Well no, of course not. However, rather than direct the sequel we were all expecting, it seems Neill Blomkamp has an altogether different idea. This week the LA Times has been running a series of installments from an interview they held with Blomkamp about his first movie, District 9, his… Read More
‘Big Hero 6’ Clip: Baymax Gives Hiro An Unwanted Diagnosis September 2, 2014September 2, 2014We are all pretty excited about the upcoming Big Hero 6. For one thing it is Disney’s first Marvel inspired animated film, which is based on the Marvel’s comic book series of the same name. Another reason is we have a special feature article on our visit to the Walt… Read More
News Captain America Vs. Star Lord: Super Bowl Civil War January 19, 2015January 20, 2015Today Cap himself, Chris Evans tweeted at Chris Pratt a withdrawal of friendship as both their teams are going head to head at this year’s Super Bowl. In a fun exchange both supes engaged in friendly fire by geeking out over sports in the most marvelous way. Read More
Im totally not seeing this as a Lost replacement. But I’ll wait and see until we get more information on the series.