Star Trek Caption Contest: Win “Star Trek: The Art of the Film”! Dan Koelsch, November 19, 2009November 26, 2009 ‘Tis the season of giving, so we at MovieViral are giving away copies of “Star Trek: The Art of the Film” to three lucky winners to coincide with the DVD’s release this week. However, you’ll have to earn the prize with your wits. The book, a $30 value, is a lavishly illustrated celebration of that new vision, tracing the evolution of the movie’s look through a stunning array of previously unseen pre-production paintings, concept sketches, costume and set designs, unit photography and final frames. Written by New York Times-bestselling author Mark Cotta Vaz in close co-operation with the film’s production team, and including a Foreword by J.J. Abrams, this is the essential companion to the film. So, how do you win? It’s simple. Just post your caption for the image below, and the three we find the funniest win. You must post your caption in the comments for this article, and please refrain from using vulgarity. All countries are eligible, so don’t be afraid to enter! Only one entry per person, so if you post more than one caption, we will only consider your first one. You can post more than one entry, but we will only look at your best one, since we will be picking three different winners. Entries are accepted until 5pm Pacific Time on Tuesday. Winner will be announced on Wednesday. Make sure to put quotation marks around your comment so we know your exact entry. Have fun! Here is your image: MovieViral periodically has contests for wide variety of prizes, so make sure to check back for more. Some contests, like our recent “The Office” CD and T-Shirt give-a-away, are exclusive to our social networking accounts, so follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up-to-date on all of our contests. For questions about this or other contests, leave a comment below or email me through the About Us page. Contests Star Trek
New ‘Limitless’ PSA March 3, 2011This week a new 20 second spot has shown up online for Limitless, the film about a miracle drug that changes Bradley Cooper’s character into the perfect version of himself, but at a high cost. The ad mimics the 1980s “This is Your Brain On Drugs” commercials, and falls in… Read More
MovieViral Contest Commercial April 3, 2009March 23, 2010Share this video with others to promote our webpage and the contest! Read More
MovieViral Comic-Con Giveaway! August 22, 2011September 19, 2011This year at Comic-Con, studios were a bit stingy on their giveaways, but we did manage to get some swag. At 4:30 PM Pacific Time today we will be giving said swag away on Twitter. Read more and see photos after the break. Read More
“This isn’t about that little ‘security breach’ at lunch yesterday, is it? Cause the computer-hacking equipment behind me looks NOTHING like the kind that was used, I swear!”
Scotty: “About those missing files…..uhhh….the dog ate them?” Kirk and Spock: (Simultaneously) “There’s no dog in this building, Mr. Scott.” Scotty: “Oh, right…..HEY LOOK, TRIBBLES!” (Runs out of the room while their heads were turned)
“I’m going to wear a kilt in the sequel? We’re in the bloody 23rd century, who the hell wears a kilt anymore?! What’s next, Kahn is played by Antonio Banderas?”
“First I fight off zombies….then I have to straighten out a town full of crazy town folk… you want me to be head of engineering of a Federation ship? Haven’t I given you all I got already?!”