Could This Weird Video Be Viral for a Band? Dan Koelsch, December 9, 2009March 16, 2010 Thanks to the lack of a comprehensive viral campaign the likes of District 9 or 2012, we have a little more time now to find some more obscure viral. Check out the video below, posted on a YouTube account titled “iamamiwhoami“. I have to warn you first that it’s a bit disturbing. 4D Fiction speculates this could be a viral video for the bands Nine Inch Nails or Animal Collective, but without being a fan of either band, it’s hard for me to see the connection, aside from the following Animal Collective photo I found: There is speculation on the Unfiction forums that it’s actually promoting a film Animal Collective is doing. Check out PaperMag for more info on the film itself. What do you think? Viral Marketing Animal CollectiveIamamiwhoamiMusic
Possibility of More 2012 Viral? August 31, 2009As you may or may not know, I have been participating in the contest for Post-2012 Leader, which has been running for a few weeks now. Well today they posted the last round of tests. Upon completion, you receive a PDF file of an origami pyramid. Now, this is either… Read More
Enter the Dream and Create Your Own Inception Poster July 14, 2010July 14, 2010Chances are you have heard of a little film coming out this week called Inception, the latest from super director Christopher Nolan. While the viral campaign for Inception never fully manifested itself the way many thought it might following The Dark Knightâs campaign, anticipation remains at a fever pitch for… Read More
You Can Be A Part of Discovery Channel’s Shark Week July 11, 2010July 11, 2010Discovery Channel’s Shark Week is one of the longest standing traditions on cable television, having been established in 1987. One week every late summer, Discovery features these ferocious beasts with shark episodes from your favorite shows and new specials. This year’s series starts August 1st, and you can be part… Read More