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Daybreakers Gets a Viral Site That Claims You’re Patient Zero

The movie Daybreakers has intrigued me ever since I saw the trailer for the first time. How can you not love the idea of society being predominantly vampires, with free humans being outlaws? It’s a world I would love to get right in the thick of, and now I can, thanks to a new site called Capture Humans.

The site gives you a nice video background of how their society came to be, and it’s even nicer because it uses Facebook Connect to personalize the story. Check out the site to see the video, which claims you are patient zero of the epidemic that has made most of the world vampires.

Since there are still some humans roaming free, the site also gives you four tips on how to capture humans safely. With the world’s supply of human blood quickly diminishing, every human is important!

Daybreakers, starring Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe, opens January 8th, 2010.

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