What Do You Want to See in an Avatar Sequel? Dan Koelsch, January 3, 2010July 18, 2010 With the new year upon us, it’s natural to start looking ahead, so of course the potential of an Avatar sequel is the buzz of the town. I’m sure that the film’s record-breaking second weekend has something to do with it too. Will there be a sequel? What will it be about? Well, we have a few answers for you. First of all, all signs point to a sequel being made. Obviously there’s the money to consider, which I assume will end up being more than the GDP of many small countries, especially since this film has already passed the $1 billion mark. Now that the technology used for filming has been created, making the sequels should be easier and cheaper. More importantly (for fans, not executives) is that there is much more of this story to tell. There is still much more to explore in the world of Pandora and the entire setting director James Cameron has created. Cameron himself has admitted to wanting to do more with Pandora and its inhabitants, but don’t expect a prequel of any kind. In fact, he’s looking to make a trilogy that follows Jake and Natiri. Here’s what he said to MTV News:“I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven’t really put any serious work into writing a script,” he said. So, what would we see the blue couple do? Well, you can already see them get it on when the DVD comes out, so don’t expect that. Cameron may explore more of the planetary system Pandora is part of. You may remember from the film that Pandora is actually one of several moons orbiting a large planet. There’s enough material to explore those other moons and maybe the planet itself. There’s also talk of exploring more of Pandora itself, as we haven’t seen the entire planet, especially the oceans. With the option of a prequel gone, that most likely means we won’t be seeing humans too much. It’d be interesting to see the backstory as to what happened with Earth, and even the continuing story of what the humans will do now that they need to find a new source of energy. So, what would you like to see in sequel(s) to Avatar? Thanks to “The H” from the forums for the info. News AvatarJames Cameron
Viral Video Round Up: Die Hard, Downton Abbey, The Avengers, And More! February 24, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Drive, Michael Winslow, The Simpsons, Dances With Wolve II, The Avengers, And More! October 23, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More
Dan’s High Five: 5 Films That Should Have Been Blockbusters October 11, 2009October 19, 2009Surrogates is now in its third weekend at the box office, and it doesn’t look like it will end up making much more than $50-$60 million domestically. How did this $80 million film fail to gain a following? The better question may be why do so many blockbuster-worthy films tank?… Read More
Avatar is by far the best movie i have ever seen hands down. Of course u get 1 person that says something bad. Avatar NEEDS a sequel and will get one im sure. Since it hit 1Billion worldwide u can expect a trilogy. as for me, i hope the second movie has the humans coming back for revenge and/or the Na’vi exploring the rest of pandora. If u have not seen it yet, go please see it, u have no idea what you are missing.
This movie needs a sequel. It is the best movie I have ever seen. I wanted more when it ended. There is so much more to be explored and Im hoping James Cameron will consider a sequel.
I think the second installment of this trilogy should have a double story line, one a prequel involving Earth’s current situation and how Sully came to be injured in the war there. The second story line could be Sully and Natiri travelling to the other trips of Pandora to permanently unite them in the event that humans ever return. The first story line might be Sully’s memories of the previous war on Earth, the politics (perhaps the many nations of Earth finally uniting into a global government hampered by a strong militaristic opposition). As Sully travels Pandora his previous experiences on Earth mirror his current experiences in traveling from one tribe to another, each holding to their own set of customs and, to some extent, their own laws as well.The end of the first story line could involve the Earth war nearing its end and Sully receiving the news of his twin brother’s death, this distracting him he is not fully ready for the final battle and ends up being injured as a result. The memory reminds him to keep his mind on the task at hand. He flashes to his present on Pandora where he is engaged in some sort of dangerous physical test, required to gain the respect of a local tribal leader. After he succeeds he and Natiri are alone, proud in their accomplishment of uniting all of the People.Sully flashes back to Earth, remembering his home-coming, seeing to his brother’s cremation. This particular memory ends with the beginning of the conversation with the men who over to let him take his brother’s place in the “Avatar” program. Back to his present Natiri tells Sully that she is pregnant.Both of these memories would symbolize a new beginning for Sully’s life at there respective moments. While all of this is happening members of a tribe previously visited by Sully and Natiri encounter an advance team of Earth’s military, who have come to Pandora to establish a beach head for a second assault on the indigenous population. They were the main body of military, corporate, and colonist travelers that the previous expedition was a part of. They picked up the humans exiled from Pandora and are returning for the mineral, Unobtainium.The second movie ends here
I, on the other hand would like to see Jake right after the the humans depart go and tell the tribe that Augustin’s work should continue regarding educating the Navi and having them know the english language. He starts to stress the importance of peace between the humans and Navi, since we all know that even if they won a big victory the war just begun and having an extended war with humans would end up destroying Pandora. News of the military’s defeat in Pandora reaches earth and the corporations get terrible press forcing the military to stand down and let a group of scientists and environmentalist go back to Pandora and convince Sully to negotiate peace and more cultural exchange between the 2 races. In the meantime, probes are sent out to the other moons like Pandora and one comes back with video showing another Pandora like moon where the much needed mineral is also found. There also is another Navi like race living there. The scientists at pandora becomes aware of this and tells Jake that they would like him and a few Navis join the team and establish relationship with the indigenous population there and eventually negotiate for the mineral rock. Jake agrees to this because he still has human roots and would hate to see his original home in kaos. Another reason he agrees is so humans would start off the right way without the threat of military and corporation involvement. His mate does not want him to go, but reluctantly agrees as long as she is part of the team. A ship that takes the team is outfitted to accommodate the Navi as well. Then the adventure begins on another moon called Pandora2. I’m not James Cameron, but thats how I would like to see the sequel of Avatar 2. Of course the military steps in eventually, but now there is a better bond between humans and Navi with enough technology and native creatures to fend them off. This confrontation will not be representing the people, rather it is another private military created by a private corporation. I hope you get the picture.
This movie was absolutely fantastic. we need a new, awsome, and awe enspiring trilogy being as how we haven’t had one since the new Star Wars films. James Cameron is definatly the man for this job. Twenty years from now i want to be able to say “i saw the avatar trilogy in imax” just like my parents can say they saw Star Wars in theatre for the fist time.
of course james cameron surprises us all and does it again! This movie is like, the STARS WARS (so to speak) of our generation. Here’s a movie with a world that takes viewers on a trip to the world unknown, giving us a believable idea of what it could look like LOL AVATAR (esp in Imax 3D) was absolutely amazing and worth it!
Well i have a couple ideas first i would like to see a big problem on pandorum and the na’vi population would be destroyed if they don’t get rid of it and they need the humans back. I think that would be the second movie the third. Well when they let the humans back they thought they were at peace and they could trust the humans so they let them stay on the planet take some samples research but not destroying homes or killing people so they had their own place and the humans wouldn’t bother them if they don’t them. Well the leader of the hole human thing is still pretty pised that they made them go home and that they needed them so they are planning to destroy pandorum with a bomb and the humans would take off with the bomb set on their planet. Well a tribe that hates jake and his people found the humans and they made an agreement that the tribe would help the humans destroy their planet and take off with the humans but the humans lied to them and they arn’t going to take them with them. In the mean time about 18-19 years they trained na’vi people how to fly their engines and use their weapons…. if you want to know more about my idea please say so
Perhaps one of the Sequels will display more if the Tribal Beliefs and Traditions. The Na Vi will tell stories of there Journeys far away from there home, even some stories of there Grandfathers. In the Sequels to come, I see more of the Na Vi Singing and Making Music in there Language. Clans will come together and gifts will be offered to other tribes. 2000 Na Vi’s will gather once again for a Big Celebration of some sort. And a display of Pandora will be displayed at night from above to show a land that Glows.