New ‘Lost’ Teaser Features Mr. Cluck’s Dan Koelsch, January 8, 2010November 16, 2010 A new teaser commercial has hit the web for the final season of ABC’s “Lost”, and it features Hurley and Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. For those diehard fans out there, you’ll remember Hurley used to work at Mr. Cluck’s, then used some of his lottery winnings to buy the restaurant. Check out the commercial below. A similar commercial debuted at Comic-Con. In that video, Hurley mentions going to Australia and, again, having nothing but good luck. So, what does this mean? There is much speculation that the events of last season’s finale could cause an alternate timeline, so maybe this is part of that. What do you think? Season six of “Lost” debuts on February 2nd on ABC at 8/7c (assuming Obama doesn’t bump it for his State of the Union address). Viral Marketing Viral Videos ABCLOSTMr. Cluck'sViral video
ARGs & Campaigns D23 Expo 2013: New “Tomorrowland” Domain Ties Into Disney Expo And A Possible App August 9, 2013With Disney’s D23 Expo in full effect this weekend, it’s only a matter of time before we know more details about the secretive Tomorrowland project that’s being directed by Brad Bird. Well, to be exact, we should find out more about the movie during the Walt Disney Studios live action… Read More
Different Versions of “Super 8” TV Spot Reveal More Clues and Questions February 8, 2011March 11, 2011Today we found out that there in fact at least two (and possibly three) versions of the Super Bowl TV Spot for Super 8, between what aired and what’s online (available in HD from Apple).The much-talked-about images within the final shot of the lens are actually different in each version,… Read More
Official “Looper” Website Leads to New Viral Website July 21, 2012July 21, 2012Almost two months ago, we got our first viral website for Rian Johnson’s Looper. The time travel action flick stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis as the same person from different times. Now the official website is live, and leads us to another viral website. Get the details after the… Read More
But if they blow the hatch and it never exists, how and why are the numbers broadcasts to be picked up by Leonard who then passed it on to Hurley? Hurley doesn’t win that lotto without those numbers, right?