The Crazies: More Viral Updates

Whether or not you want to call this a clue or a way to get people excited over a change to viral site, it’s enough for us at MovieViral to get it out there and see what happens.

A while back we talked about the new site of DP Chemicals and the fact that there is the possibility of a hack. Well, depending on how YOU read into it, that possibility is a bit closer.

Now when you go through the motions to get the password on the screen (and stay there), the symbol for “Omega” is there. In addition to seeing some times in the background to go along with the messages for Patrick, whose name is no longer there.

A couple of other things that stick out is the fact that Dayton/Pendrill is celebrating their 75th year, possibly a difference in the pictures of the plants, and the fact that DPChem is now part of A Krayze Industries Company, which links you to the movie site.

So we have Omega, and we have 75. Omega is the 24th number of the Greek alphabet and is equal to 800. So get to work! Let us know what you find.

The Crazies is in theaters on February 26, and you can check out our page for the film, which has been updated to link some great fan pages

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