The Crazies: A Viral Update Scott Caldwell, November 29, 2009November 29, 2009 Wow. It was just the other day I was writing about how there was nothing happening on the viral site for The Crazies remake. Well, things change. Not only did we get a list of representatives for the community of Ogden Marsh, IA and a sweet deal on a car wash, but we also have two new sites to take a look at. Dakon/Pendrill Chemical Corporation – Pretty self explanatory about what this place does. One particular note is the fact that they have a login for employees, similar to what we saw during the 2012 campaign and Aerospace Robotics company. Looking forward to a hack and seeing what this place is holding. If you enter a username and/or password incorrectly three times, you are locked out, but if you quickly click a link above, you are listed as “Patrick”, with 2 messages, and a 4 character login. So far, I’ve failed (it’s not Iowa). Save Ogden Marsh Blogspot – These are always a fun addition to a viral campaign. Helps the viewer / follower feel a bit more involved in what’s happening. This will more than likely be the site to keep an eye on being that they are the one’s with something to say. They also have a Twitter account, with @SaveOgdenMarsh, and similar to Surrogates, it compiles actual information as opposed to feeding you made up lines. Makes it feel a little bit closer to home. Makes you feel an actual fear. And, according to the wildly trusted IMDB, there is no “Kim Jonson” in the list. Maybe our Jamie Lascano of Cloverfield days? It looks like this film is all viral for George A. Romero’s remake. In more than one way. Yes, I went there. The Crazies is set for release on February 26, 2010 Viral Marketing 2012CloverfieldSurrogatesThe Crazies
Happy Easter From “Parental Guidance” March 31, 2013March 28, 2013Happy Easter! To celebrate Parental Guidance now on Blu-ray and DVD, their marketing team has created some funny family ecards for grandparents and children alike. Check them out after the break. Read More
Aliens and Bugs – District 9 Pest Control July 22, 2009So IGN Movies has a nice little video clip of a doctor describing his findings on the non-humans. Check it out after the jump! So it appears that they are starting to have more bug-like qualities, as if their faces weren’t enough. First, we find out that they are solid… Read More
“The Bourne Legacy” Facebook App Recruits You For Operation Intel July 16, 2012July 16, 2012Universal Pictures has updated the viral campaign for The Bourne Legacy. The app called Operation Intel, creates a video and puts you in picture and in the middle of the program that created the people like Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne. Hit the jump to find out more. Read More