Third Trailer for The Crazies Dan Koelsch, January 14, 2010January 14, 2010 Overture Films has released a new trailer for their upcoming film The Crazies via theirYouTube channel, and while it may not be as effective as previous trailers, I like what they were trying to do with the shorter time. Take a look: Although I’m still excited for the film, watching this trailer put a bit of doubt in my head and made me reassess the film’s potential. As you may know, The Crazies is based off the 1973 George A. Romero movie of the same title. While the new film may not have any big name actors (or studios for that matter), I think leads Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell are quality actors. Director Breck Eisner (son of Michael Eisner) is definitely a wild card, since his filmography is limited, and his only feature film is the lackluster Sahara. Writers Scott Kosar (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amityville Horror) and Ray Wright (Pulse) have experience with the genre and horror remakes, but their films aren’t exactly great resume material. So, what do you think? Am I crazy to think The Crazies will be good when it opens on February 26th? Check out our Crazies viral page for more information on the film and its viral campaign. News The Crazies
‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Viral Campaign: Gotham Observer And New Tech Company June 22, 2012June 22, 2012Though the viral campaign for The Dark Knight Rises may not be as elaborate or exciting as its predecessor, but it’s still a great tool to use to drive interest for the film. Now with the film just a little over a month away from release, the viral campaign is… Read More
District 9 DVD and Blu-Ray Release Moved To Before Christmas! November 12, 2009November 12, 2009Maybe it was common sense, or maybe it was just Internet fanboys (like us at MovieViral) hitting them over the head with it, but either way Sony Pictures Home Entertainment made the right move. Thanks to Robby in our forum and our friends at Film School Rejects, we know that… Read More
First Iron Man 2 Trailer Tied to Sherlock Holmes? November 23, 2009Outside of Comic-Con, the general public has not been able to see much footage from the upcoming Iron Man 2. With the film only 6 months away, we may finally be seeing the first trailer, and it’s conveniently attached to another Robert Downey Jr. project, Sherlock Holmes. Granted, the evidence… Read More
Yeah, it’s a hot one. Quality through and through. Folks will enjoy this for years to come. Trust me.