Follow Greendale’s Best and Brightest on Twitter

Say what you will about NBC’s recent late night disaster, but the network has been at the forefront of incorporating viral media into their programs – particularly with their Thursday night shows. Well, the tradition continues with their rookie comedy, Community.

If you have seen the show’s latest episode, “Interpretive Dance,” you’ll remember Chevy Chase’s character, Pierce Hawthorne, referencing his Twitter page during a scene in the group’s study room. I immediately considered how cool it would be if there was an actual Pierce Hawthorne Twitter page, and sure enough, there is! What’s more, the entire Greendale crew is represented with Twitter accounts. You can check them all out below:

@BrittaFeed (Britta Perry)

@Shirley_GCC (Shirley Bennett)

@AbedsTweets (Abed Nadir)

@JeffWingerAtLaw (Jeff Winger)

@HawthorneWipes (Pierce Hawthorne)

@TroyTBone09 (Troy Barnes)

@AnnieEdisonGCC (Annie Edison)

@SenorChang_GCC (Benjamin Chang)

I’m pretty sure these accounts are all legit, meaning they are updated by NBC. Still, the fact that I am unsure means the creator of these pages has done a great job solidifying these characters in our digital reality. I’ve long held the belief that Twitter is an easy but effective medium to generate word of mouth because of its ability to engage with one’s audience. NBC is clearly doing that here, as well as connecting these pages to the show’s storyline. I know I’ll be adding Greendale College’s best and brightest to my Twitter feed, and if you enjoy NBC’s comedy as much as I do, you should too.

Is Community appointment-viewing for you as well?  Let us know below!

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