Hell Is Nigh For Dante’s Inferno Iain Welford, February 3, 2010 Whoa, this is pretty cool! Thanks to our friends at ScreenRant we’ve found a Viral Website for the new EA game Dante’s Inferno.EA has managed to collaborate with 6 websites to weave a picture into their HTML code. It’s pretty clever and of course it doesn’t hurt the 6 websites traffic, either.The idea is simple, really. You head on over to the website, right click and get the code. We’ll look at the first one here. Go to the Digg homepage, right click and view the page source where you will see a picture embedded in the code along with a website URL, hellisnigh.com and the passcode.Heading on over to the website, you’ll see a prompt for your passcodes, the first of which is excommunicate. There are 5 more. When you have entered all 6 you will be presented with your reward (we’ll keep that bit a secret). Have a look at the site list and passwords below. Check each one out to reveal a different picture!Password No 1: excommunicate @ digg.com Password No 2: scythe @ dailymotion.com Password No 3: grafter @ gamespot.com Password No 4: styx @ ign.com Password No 5: unbaptized @ gamesradar.com Password No 6: alighieri @ wwe.comDante’s inferno is the Video game adaptation of the book Inferno, the first part of Dante Aligheri’s masterpiece The Devine Comedy. The player controls Dante, who is trying to save his other half, Beatrice from Lucifer himself. Dante’s inferno is available from the 9th of February but in the meantime why not enjoy this Super Bowl Trailer. Viral Marketing dante's inferno
Alan’s Insanity Expressed On New “The Hangover Part III” Tumblr April 17, 2013April 17, 2013While there have been some great tumblr sites that were used for some viral marketing campaigns, there are a few that feel like they are last ditch efforts from the digital marketing department. Take for instance the latest tumblr for The Hangover Part III, set up by the WB team…. Read More
Fan-made District 9 Sites September 13, 2009April 20, 2010UPDATE: Fookinprawns.net is now live! Just like I thought, it has a soundboard of Wikus and our favorite lines from the film (including alien speech). The site even has T-Shirts to buy, so check it out! What is the ultimate type of viral marketing? Getting fans to do the advertising… Read More
The Union Needs You: Repo Men Required February 22, 2010If you have been following the Repo Men viral, you’ll know that Wired held an open application for runners to go undercover and evade the Repo Men for one month to win a cash prize of $7,500. The runners have now been selected and there are only 2 days left… Read More