LOST Season Six Premiere “LA X” Recap and Review Corey, February 3, 2010April 13, 2010 Finally, it’s here… LOST‘s season 6 premiered tonight on ABC, but not before an hour long recap of the events that happened in the 5 previous seasons. Narrated by Michael Emerson who plays Ben Linus, former leader of the Others, on the show, we’re filled in with what has all happened so far; basically just prepping us and hyping us up for the two hour season premiere that followed afterwards. Which for me, it completely did. LOST’s notoriety for its opening scenes for its season premieres still holds up here with a white screen then fading to see us to see a wing tip then Jack Shepard in by the window, meaning only one thing; the bomb worked. The flight attendant, Cindy, asked Jack about his drink with Jack replying “it’s not a very strong drink”. Laughing she hands him something stronger. Jack meets Rose and they talk when suddenly, the plane hits turbulence (so far, everything is the same as it originally happened). Fortunately, this time they come out of it safe and continue on with the flight. More on these “flashbacks” later. The next thing we see is an eye; Kate’s eye to be exact. She’s upside down in a tree and almost falls out of it, back at the island and back in 2007. The first person she runs into is Miles. They head to the site of the blast, seeing Sawyer and Jack there too. With them coming to terms with what happened, Sawyer points out Jack’s plan didn’t work and Juliet died for nothing; swearing to Kate that he’ll kill Jack and asks Miles to help him bury Juliet. Season 5 left us with Ben killing Jacob and Jacob saying “They’re coming” as Flocke (Fake Locke) kicks him into the fire. Well, in the statue, we find Ben and Flocke with Ben questioning what has happened to Jacob and questioning who Flocke really even was, with Flocke simply asking him to just go get Richard. Ben goes outside and tells Richard that Locke (Who Ben thinks is Locke) wants to see Richard, Richard shows Ben Locke’s real dead body. Sparking Jacob’s followers to go into the statue in an attempt to kill Flocke who manifests into…the smoke monster, killing all of them but Ben and telling him “Sorry you had to see me like that”. Hugo is met by Jacob who says that they can save Sayid if they take him to the temple by entering the “hole in the wall”. Hugo talks them into it and they go to the hole in the wall where they are abducted by The Others. They meet with these new Others, and the leader, who happens to be Japanese, promptly tells his men to kill Jack, Jin, Hugo, Kate, and, Sayid, but Hugo stops them by saying that Jacob sent him and that he could prove it by showing them what is in the guitar case. We open it and see it’s a giant Ankh symbol, which means eternal life and the Japanese guy immediately breaks it. It’s apparently a list with everyones (Jack, Jin, Kate, Sayid, Hugo) name on it, and they take them all inside of the temple saying that saving Sayid is extremely important, so if he dies, everyone will be doomed. In the temple we see a spring which is supposed to be clean, but we come to find out is dirty, which we can guess is a result of Jacob being dead. The Others attempt to still save Sayid with this Fountain of Youth, but mistakenly kill him instead. Eventually Sawyer and Miles are caught and brought to the temple, and Miles tells Kate that Sawyer took out 4 of their men before he got hit over the head with a rock and drug here to the temple. They’re all together once again, and alarm goes off. The Others turn into a panic, fearing an unknown entity that is right outside of the Temple walls. They lay down ash and light a red flare in the process. At the end of the episode, The Others confront Jack and tell him they have to speak to him in private. Jack is not going without a fight of course,but is interrupted by Hugo yelling Jack’s name in terror as he looks at the once lifeless body of Sayid wake up and ask what had happened to him. Whoa Overall: This was an outstanding season premiere, answering a few questions while still managing to raise so many more. Throughout the episode we’re jumping between them on the island and them on the plane as they make their way to LAX. Meaning that LOST has two realties now, ala last year’s Star Trek (which shares Damon Lindelof as producer). In the new , non-crash reality, we see Jack, Rose, Bernard, Boone, Hugo, Arzt, John, Sawyer, Kate, the U.S Marshall, and, Charlie all on the plane in their original forms as meant to be their original flight out there. As the show progresses, we meet each of the characters. The plane lands and everyone for the most part goes on about their lives, save Kate and Charlie, who was rescued by Jack in the plane’s bathroom after shoving his drugs down his own throat. Kate is still in handcuffs and Locke is still in a wheel chair. However, Desmond, was on the plane when he originally never was, and now it seems Shannon is not on the plane. What? I for one really didn’t have a problem with the premiere, but I could see where one would raise red flags or complain. Too bad the sneak peek didn’t really give us an insight to the events that will happen next week. ABC’s LOST will resume its regular schedule of every Tuesday at 9/8c. Reviews Viral Marketing ABCLOST
Watch Disney Channel’s Sneak Peek of Tron Legacy September 10, 2010Usually the Disney Channel isn’t much good for anything except the occasional Pixar film, but their ‘sneak peek’ into Disney’s Tron Legacy actually has some pretty cool battle footage. The video is hosted by stars Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund, and you can watch it after the jump. Read More
Dress Like A ‘Kingsman’ By Shopping At Store Inspired By “The Secret Service” January 13, 2015January 13, 2015There is a lot that stands out after watching the trailers for Kingsman: The Secret Service. Colin Firth kicking ass and Matthew Vaughn’s frenetic action sequences come to mind immediately. But just as important in establishing the film’s unique style appears to be its fashion. Staying true to James Bond… Read More
9 – Puzzle Piece Viral July 31, 2009July 31, 2009So there is a pretty interesting viral that has recently shown up for the movie “9” – the Tim Burton produced, Shane Acker directed, CGI movie that involves a post-apocalyptic vision involving puppets made from what looks like potato sacks. If you are following the Scientist’s Facebook page (because that’s… Read More
Sorry but I don’t find the idea of “flash-sideways” very interesting. Lindelof and Cuse claim to have had this idea for 2 years so how integral can it really be to the big questions. It seems like they felt that they had to try and think of a new gimmick and this was the only “way to flash” they had left.I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that they could not get all of the original cast members to come back. So what do they do? They conveniently have some things changed in the flash-sideways so they don’t need to have all of the characters present.
Sorry to be a nerd, but…. the screen cap isn’t from last nights episode, it’s from the pilot. Jack was sitting in a different seat in the latest episode, no longer over the wing, one of many changes made that have lots of people online guessing.
We couldn’t find an image from last night, so we figured this was good enough. Plus, as you mention, it shows how some things changed.
I figured as much, plus it doesn’t hurt to add to the discussion that not everything is as it was (obvious things like Desmond inexplicably being on the plane notwithstanding)
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