Tron Legacy: Mystery Package Arrives Nick Butler, February 16, 2010October 18, 2011 The viral world has been buzzing for the past day over a series of packages arriving at different people’s locales, all of them are related to the upcoming Tron Legacy. Well, now MovieViral can join in. Today we received a package containing a yellow diamond (“Yes” bit), like the one from If you missed out on the initial buzz, check out this article to catch up. Check the diamond out after the jump.Below is the bit we received:The diamond was packaged with shredded paper, with notable pieces different from the rest. Here’s the scan:I’ve been working with Unfiction to see if this is in fact a message, but here’s what I’ve gathered so far.I can’t confirm my hunch, but it seems they’ve shredded their original mailing list. I’m almost sure the St- is from “States,” because if you look at the 4th down there is a beginning of an ‘a’. Also, I got a piece of a sticker mailing label – and on the far left piece, I see “Bu,” making me think of my own name – Butler. That could probably be confirmed by others who see the first two initials of their name.However, the piece in the middle I have no idea. There’s a period, so I think it’s a message. Not to mention two consecutive n’s, which occurs in “Flynn.” We may not be able to get all the pieces together, if it is a message. And its clear not everyone got strips of it.As our previous article says, “Zero Hour” falls on February 24th, 2010 and many bloggers believe that this is when we will get the new trailer for Tron Legacy.UPDATE: I thought I’d add these images from Unfiction of the other viral bits sent to people.Blue bit from HipsterGarbage:Red bit from RobMagus:So what do you think? Do you think this is more than just a countdown? Leave a comment. Viral Marketing Flynn LivesMailSite NewsTron LegacyZeroHour
Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” Creates 8 Bit Lane In London January 12, 2013It’s hard to believe that Disney’s latest animated film Wreck-It Ralph doesn’t open up in the UK until February 8th, over three months after its US release. Fortunately, Disney makes up for the wait a bit by creating 8 Bit Lane in London near the The Truman Brewery. Get the… Read More
10 Awesome Uses of Augmented Reality Marketing December 27, 2009December 27, 2009Mashable has collected a nice little list of 10 innovative ways augmented reality has been used for marketing. While many of the items on the list are for regular products like cars and feminine hygiene (no joke), but of course there are some examples of films using it, as we… Read More
Secret Catwoman Poster Found on “The Dark Knight Rises” Website May 26, 2012Over last few days, we’ve seen a flourish of new posters and banners for Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight Rises. found out that the print version of some of the posters (displayed at movie theaters) have a QR code, which leads to a secret high resolution poster on the… Read More
I think that they’re pulling a Dark Knight sort of viral with this. You got a few pieces of paper with words on them. Maybe they’re street addresses to where they’re going to give us the new trailer.
crap, scanner aint working, i have two pieces, one is a corner piece that has the letters TO, and S on a line under it. the second piece has s and rk ubder it.