And the Oscar Goes To … Jersey Shore Dan Koelsch, March 1, 2010 The Academy Awards are just one week away, and George Lopex is already on board. All this week on Lopez Tonight, the cast of Jersey Shore will be reenacting scenes from the 10 Best Picture nominees at this year’s Academy Awards. Check out the promo for the stunt after the jump. Lopez Tonight airs weeknights at 11/10c on TBS. Viral Marketing ABCAcademy AwardsJersey ShoreLopez TonightTBS
“Muppets Most Wanted” Viral Review March 25, 2014Muppets Most Wanted wasn’t the film that Disney was hoping it would be. Getting second place at the box office last weekend isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but earning only $17 million at the box office when compared to Divergent’s strong $54.7 million is glaringly obvious. Which is contrast to… Read More
Social Networks ‘Walking Dead’ Kicks Off Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2014 Maze Reveals June 9, 2014Who says June is too early for Halloween? For many, excitement for Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights starts as soon as the day after the current one ends. Fans begin to speculate what John Murdy (Hollywood’s creative director) and Co. will bring the following October for the whole year in between…. Read More
Different Versions of “Super 8” TV Spot Reveal More Clues and Questions February 8, 2011March 11, 2011Today we found out that there in fact at least two (and possibly three) versions of the Super Bowl TV Spot for Super 8, between what aired and what’s online (available in HD from Apple).The much-talked-about images within the final shot of the lens are actually different in each version,… Read More