ViralCast #28: Exclusive Chat With Repo Men Runners and Mike Selinker Nick Butler, March 7, 2010October 18, 2011 In this very special edition of ViralCast, Scott, Iain and I chat with Mike Selinker, President of Lone Shark Games. We also had the very rare oppurtunity to chat with two of the runners, Ciji and Alex, from the Repo Men hunt. In addition, I talked to RepoChip and Lrkr who are hunting the runners about what we found during the ViralCast and where to go from there. Check out this amazing edition of ViralCast after the jump. The ViralCast with Ciji, Alex, and Mike Selinker-Direct Link: Here or main thing gained from the podcast is that beginning March 15th, the locations of the runners will be released a few times per day unless they go to a specific location and have the problem fixed. Also, Ciji enjoys arcades.Important Links: afterthoughts with RepoChip and Lrkr-Direct Link: Podcasts Viral Marketing Repo men
“Prometheus” Viral Campaign Continues At WonderCon March 18, 2012March 21, 2012Yesterday at WonderCon was the 20th Century Fox panel that included Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. While the biggest buzz has been the new trailer, the viral campaign got nice shot in the arm as well. Get the details after the break. Read More
Vote For Your Favorites in This “The Dark Knight Rises” T-Shirt Contest! April 5, 2012April 5, 2012Warner Bros. and Design By Humans, an “ongoing t-shirt design competition and community”, have teamed up to bring fans of Chris Nolan’s Batman franchise the chance to design a t-shirt inspired by the upcoming final chapter, The Dark Knight Rises. The winning designer will get money and stuff, but the… Read More
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Campaign’s Counts Down To Electro’s Arrival December 11, 2013December 11, 2013The first trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 dropped last week, and at first glance there were no hidden links that appeared during the trailer’s 2:41 runtime. But that depends on what kind of resolution you are seeing it at. In the days after it was announced that Spider-Man would… Read More