Check Out These Skeleton Oscars Statues Dan Koelsch, March 10, 2010 Two mysterious skeleton-like Oscar statues showed up Thursday in two different areas of Los Angeles, one in the middle of Hollywood, and another near the famed Hollywood sign. They were created by UK artist D*Face, but their purpose outside of being connected to last Sunday’s Academy Awards, is not known. We actually got wind of these statues last week thanks to The Wrap, but it didn’t really hit our radar until Dane Cook posted a TwitPic of him next to one of them. Check out the photos after the jump. The only clues to the statues’ purpose are plaques at the foot of each that read “Beauty is one snip away” and “Beauty is skin deep”. What do you think of the statues? See more photos at The Wrap. Viral Marketing Academy AwardsDane CookOscars
Viral Sites For ‘INSIDIOUS’ Have Finally Creeped In March 9, 2011March 9, 2011Just the other day we had shown you the “coming soon” site holders for the INSIDIOUS viral, and today, they are up and running. And if they are giving us any clues as to how disturbing the film could be, then we may have ourselves a true horror film. Keep… Read More
‘Seven Psychopaths’ Viral: The Fate Of America In The Paws Of A Missing Dog September 26, 2012September 26, 2012This year is an election year, and as you can imagine the two presidential candidates are addressing the issues that affect America. But Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney are neglecting the one resolution that could save America. One f*****g Shih Tzu. Yes a dog can save all our problems. And… Read More
New ‘Apollo 18’ Poster Released March 2, 2011March 2, 2011While it may not be in English, we do have a pretty cool new poster for Apollo 18 that features the moon walker after that bug thing from the trailer attacks him. Take a look at the poster after the break. We also have the updated first poster featured on… Read More
Maybe it means how hollywood can buy beauty, that all it takes is plastic surgery to make them into the people they are. The sun is melting off the plastic, Or probably a farewell to Nip/tuck. Or a commentary on corruption. Who know? It look cool though.