Iron Man 2 Viral: CordCo Website and Fire Extinguisher Corey, April 16, 2010April 16, 2010 Iron Man 2 kicks off May 7th and over the past month Paramount released a small viral campaign for the film. Stark Industries has released a website for their world famous event Stark Expo, which hasn’t happened since 1974. Over the past few weeks, Stark Industries has opened up various website pages for different companies such as Accutech – and now CordCo. CordCo is another branch of Stark Industries that will appear at the 2010 Stark Expo, which creates new technology which benefits mankind – all seemingly based off the design of the Iron Man armor. In the video, which we got a teaser for yesterday, they introduce us to the first ever sound-based fire extinguisher. Watch the video after the jump! Iron Man 2 opens May 7th, 2010. Make sure you buy your tickets early to assure you see it opening day. Viral Marketing AccutechCordCoIron Man 2Stark ExpoStark Industries
Smell Like Tangled’s Flynn Rider With ‘Smolder’ November 10, 2010November 10, 2010Disney Animation has released a new video on their YouTube account for Tangled. The fake ad is a spoof of those artsy commercials for fragrances. This time, we have the cologne called ‘Smolder by Flynn,’ which itself is poking fun of Flynn Rider’s look that is supposed to woo the… Read More
Alice in Wonderland Facebook Viral November 12, 2009November 12, 2009I’m not a big fan of Tim Burton’s, but whenever he has a project coming out, it certainly gets a lot of buzz. His latest film, Alice in Wonderland, is no different. Burton’s unique visual style always draws attention and with Alice, Disney is using it to their advantage. In… Read More
The LOST Underground Art Project: New Art Pieces Revealed December 17, 2009You may remember us talking about the LOST Underground Art Project a few weeks ago. The show was held December 15th at Gallery 1988, and thanks to Peter at Slashfilm, who’s always on top of this subject, we now have the new artworks revealed at the event. The works include… Read More
I’m really interested in seeing where this goes, it’s a shame that I didn’t get to “apply” for the Stark jobs but lets hope there is another chance for some swag.
Joe, I “applied” and I got a response back about getting a job there. Not everyone got a reply for a job, after that e-mail, I didn’t get a single notification from them. I hope that it goes somewhere along the lines of some nice Iron Man 2 swag!
I used to, back in the day, play the TDK viral religously and once I saw you guys had this site up I thought I would stop by and check things out. I loved the “Citizens for Batman” swag as well as the tickets to go see the movie in IMAX a few days before it was released so I’m thinking they(Ironman Viral) might go along that path and on the 7th release some pre-screening tickets. I wouldn’t mind a Stark Industries t-shirt either lol.
I sure has hell hope they release some pre-screening tickets! I really wouldn’t mind some free swag from Iron Man 2 either. It’s by far the movie I’m most excited to see this summer!
I’m still waiting for some TDK sequel info….the sad thing though is that the guys who did the viral(TDK Joker) with 42e left the company to start their own viral marketing firm, or so I heard. They did such an amazing job with the Joker I can only imagine if the Riddler was confirmed as a villain what they could do with him.