Feedback: What Did You Think of Kick-Ass? Dan Koelsch, April 17, 2010May 1, 2010 Matthew Vaughn’s comic book movie Kick-Ass opened up this weekend, and while the reviews have been mostly good, there have been some major detractors, including Roger Ebert himself. But we want to know what YOU think. Leave us a comment below to let us know if you enjoyed the film (as I did), you thought it was dumb (as MSN did). You can also check out our review by clicking here. If you haven’t seen Kick-Ass yet, or you just want to relive some of your favorite moments, check out some of the clips below. What’s interesting is that with all the buzz of the film (it’s been trending on Twitter all week), it only made $7.6 million on Friday. Why do you think that is? Reviews FeedbackKick-AssReview
“Marvel One-Shot: All Hail The King” – Review February 7, 2014Marvel Studios has so far done a wonderful job with its movie properties, but some may not be aware of the “One Shot” series Marvel puts on DVD releases. Probably the more memorable One Shot was on the Iron Man 3 DVD, Agent Carter. This time around on the Thor:… Read More
Review – Inglourious Basterds August 21, 2009December 22, 2009WARNING – MINOR SPOILERS So I just got back from seeing Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino’s new film, and I have to say that this was above and beyond any film he has done in the past. Because it’s a Tarantino film, you go into the theater knowing you are going… Read More
“Gravity” Review: A Technical Marvel Fueled By Sandra Bullock’s Astounding Performance September 23, 2013September 23, 2013There is a brilliance in simplicity. But when a film’s narrative is as simple as Alfonso CuarĂ³n‘s Gravity is backed up by an otherwise very complex set of visuals and an outstanding performance given by Sandra Bullock, you have one of those rare films that not only give audiences the… Read More
best movie of the year, one hundred million thousand times better than the comic book, and i love the comic book!!!
It lived up to it’s name and “Kicked Ass”. I have tons of respect for Ebert but this movie isn’t really for his generation. I just don’t think he got it. The movie is like a cross between a Kevin Smith flick and Kill Bill. It’s a good time at the movies and I definitely recommend it to comic book geeks and non comic book geeks alike. It twists the genera on its head.
i think its super cool…and best funny movie so far of the year!!! me and my husband are definitely going to watch it again. great job HIT GIRL and Nic!
I liked the movie. In the beginning i was thinking it was going to get a bit ugly, but there were many laugh out loud parts. When first blood was shed and the thing that happened after that, made me kinda gag. But when hit-girl and big-daddy came in i really started to enjoy it. And i was very glad they had some background information about them. The fight scenes were great, and Nick Cage owned it. Seeing him stabbing and shooting everybody was awesome. I wish there was more with Red Mist, they could have done a lot with him.
I loved it (and the graphic novel as well). I don’t think it has a chance of making the kind of money that other “superhero” films do though since its rated R and kids won’t be seeing it in theatres like they would if it were something along the lines of Spider-Man or X-Men. It is mostly in a league of its own.
I am a Brit in my 40s and I’ve seen it 7 times now. I only went by chance – I had no idea it was based on a comic. It is fantastic and highly addictive. Maybe it didn’t do so well in the US because of the R rating. Over here it has a 15 rating. I hope word of mouth leads to it sticking around a good while longer.
The movie was well made , great choreography but its main fan base are teenagers and pre teens who could not go to cinema to see it cause of R rating .with big movies like clash of titan and alice in wonderland cleaning peoples pocket in the last few weeks , over all $$$ take in cinema was down this week , kick ass still managed a number 1 . may be they should have done in 3D
Many people view this movie as a silly super hero flick and not aware of its true nature . The red mist character was disappointing and they should have chose a different guy and not the whimp they picked . hit-girl was best thing in the movie
I like Kick-Ass. It is a very good movie. I want to see what becomes of Red Mist after he dawns an orange costume and kitana. RIP Big Daddy
…any movie that includes Sparks “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us”…is tops with me oh yeah btw the movie actually did “kick ass”…funny coincidence that….
The two ‘Kick-Ass’ camps seem to be “it’s reprehensible” and “it’s fun, it’s only a movie”, for me it’s not exactly either. I give it thumbs up even though I did find parts disturbing, but any movie with substance should test your limits and then get you to think about why it took you there. I find fault in that the movie itself couldn’t decide which camp it wants to be in, social commentary or action blockbuster, there may be a way to mix both in a more cohesive manner. That said, it’s definitely a must see, just cover your eyes if the gore is too much.
I loved this Movie it was well scripted and it actually showed you backround on the charecters for those who haven’t read the Comic books. I would give this movie 5 Stars I would totally recomend it to people to watch if they want comedy and action, and of coarse I loved ~*Hit Girl*~ and her sweat moves. I have to say one of 2010 Best Movies yet! I would watch it over and over never get sick of it. A MUST WATCH MOVIE!!!!!!!