Inception Viral with Christopher Nolan Scott Caldwell, April 23, 2010June 12, 2010 If the film Inception doesn’t throw your head in twenty different directions while watching the trailer, then it’s about to get a few more places. In the video that follows, we see what seems to start out as a film clip of the director Christopher Nolan interviewing specialists in the field of sleep and dreams. But something happens during the video. Things are said that could give you a better glimpse into the film itself. Take a look after the jump. The following video starts off looking like Nolan is trying to get some information to make his film as real as possible, but keep watching the video. The lady in the glasses seems to know a little extra info that peaks Nolan’s attention. Take a look. One doctor in the video refers to the military’s involvement as “Project Somnacin”, which if you remember, was a viral clue in the second stage on the mind-crime site, also know as the “dream machine”. Is the military forcing people to sleep in order to get more control? Possibly use it to create soldiers? Maybe DiCaprio is the one to spoil the fun? Hell, maybe we should just keep an eye out for a new viral site! What do YOU think? As if the film wasn’t trippy enough, they have to throw this in. Does it make it a little easier to follow now? The July 16th release date is coming up quick, and we still have two more stages to go through. Source: Arrow In The Head and video from NolanFans Viral Marketing Christopher NolanInception
District 9 Interview Videos July 23, 2009January 16, 2010If you head over to, you will see they have loaded up videos of 6 new interviews. However, this time they look to be interviewing people OUTSIDE of Johannesburg, and none of them seem to care for the Non-Humans. I apologize, but I can’t get them to not auto-run. Read More
AMC Offers DISH Customers Live Stream of “The Walking Dead” Season 3 Premiere September 30, 2012October 1, 2012The heated battle between AMC Networks and Dish Network has brought out the creative juices in AMC, and now they are going one step further to lure fans of the channel to leave DISH. The Walking Dead season 3 premiere is on October 14th, and DISH customers can watch the… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: The Dark Knight Rises, Star Wars, Jim Henson, Samuel L. Jackson, And More! January 29, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More