Tron Legacy Viral To Go Silent “For The Next Few Weeks” Dan Koelsch, May 15, 2010June 10, 2010 Well, this is unfortunate. After a strong start to the Tron Legacy viral that gave us at least weekly updates, the campaign is looking to lay low for a while. This isn’t too surprising given the amount of work already put into it, yet the film’s release still being over 7 months away. There was no way they could keep up this amount of intensity for that that long non-stop. Find out the details after the jump. Smartly, this long hiatus is being presented as in-world, with the Flynn Lives group saying they need to go “underground” since Encom is on to them. Here is an excerpt from their main page on the break:There’s so much more on the horizon – meet-ups to attend, clues to hunt down, mega-huge software companies to keep honest – but, for the next few weeks, we need to lay low. We’ll be calling on you before you know it, so stay connected, keep your contact info up-to-date and always remember: FLYNN LIVES! Access to the Encom Intranet has also been removed for now, as Encom is on to the group and performed some maintenance to patch security holes. The group was able to get one last screencap of the site before getting locked out. We’ll let you know once the viral picks up again. Follow our coverage on our Tron Legacy Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing EncomFlynn LivesTron Legacy
“Ender’s Game” Website Features Social Media Links April 20, 2013Briefly: Lionsgate’s Ender’s Game, based on the acclaimed novel of the same name, is a sci-fi film set in a future where children are being trained to fight against an alien attack. The film’s official website is titled, with IF standing for International Fleet. It’s pretty much just a… Read More
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” Viral Marketing Campaign Launches Zubrowka Film Commission Website February 5, 2014February 5, 2014Last week, we posted an article about the newly launched viral marketing campaign for Wes Anderson‘s The Grand Budapest Hotel. AkademieZubrowka website offered an exclusive look at where the film is set and some of the props that are going to be used in the film. Now a new site,… Read More
Wrigley’s Gum Needs Your Help To Hunt The Red Skull June 14, 2011While the marketing campaigns for Thor and X-Men: First Class have subsided with the release of the films, Marvel’s summer movie season is far from over. With Captain America: The First Avenger due out July 22nd, there has certainly been an increase in television spots, but look for more product… Read More