Proof That The Ghostbusters Are Still Cool Dan Koelsch, May 19, 2010 In the past year or so, there has been a lot of buzz about a potential third movie to the Ghostbusters series. The first two have become classics, and there have been rumors on a new sequel that would involve the original cast, and possibly even comedy mastermind Judd Apatow. There’s even a new video game. If that wasn’t evidence enough of the comedy/sci-fi movies’ lasting popularity, check out the two viral videos and t-shirt designs after the break. The improv troupe Improv Everywhere does some pretty great public events, usually in New York City. In their latest “scene”, they paid homage to the opening scene of the first film that takes place in the New York Public Library. College Humor also did their own make-shift Ghostbusters video last month as part of their “Josh’s Mindhouse” series. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Finally we have a T-shirt that mashes up Ghostbusters with LOST from Threadless, and on a similar, yet different note, a LOST and Back to the Future mash up from Teefury. Thanks to Slashfilm for the heads up on these. So, there you have it, the Ghostbusters are still cool. What other awesome Ghostbusters stuff have you found? Viral Marketing Back to the futureGhostbustersLOST
Justin Bieber Attacked By “That Awkward Moment” Twitter Account January 30, 2014January 30, 2014Twitter is easily the best way to send out a 140 character mirco-blog that can quickly go viral. As seen on Marvel vs. Star Wars Twitter battle, it is also one of the places to get into a heated argument. Okay, maybe the Marvel and Star Wars Twitter feud was… Read More
“Castle” Unveils Blog For Newlywed Characters January 13, 2012January 18, 2012Wedding websites seem to be the popular go-to viral marketing for television shows. NBC’s Parks and Recreation and The Office (twice) have both had them, and now ABC’s Castle joins the fray. Learn the details after the break. Read More
“The Bourne Legacy” Facebook App Recruits You For Operation Intel July 16, 2012July 16, 2012Universal Pictures has updated the viral campaign for The Bourne Legacy. The app called Operation Intel, creates a video and puts you in picture and in the middle of the program that created the people like Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne. Hit the jump to find out more. Read More
Ghostbusters are always cool! I liked the first two movies, even when the second became only bad critics. I can’t wait to see the new movie.
Thanks for posting some great ideas and I’ll try to return back with a completely different browser to check things out! Also, I put a link to your blog at my site, hope you don’t mind?
I love GB, still my favorite movie…but what does that have to do with the delorean from Back to the Future?