Pac-Man Anniversary Brings Best Google Doodle Ever Dan Koelsch, May 21, 2010June 12, 2010 Google is known for changing their logo on their homepage for special occasions such as famous birthdays and anniversaries of important events, often generating creative and original artwork. Today they did not disappoint for Pac-Man’s 30th Anniversary, as they turned their logo into a playable Pac-Man game. Get more details on the doodle and the anniversary after the break. The arcade video game Pac-Man was first released on May 22, 1980 in Japan. Soon, the game changed the industry and solidified itself into pop culture history. Thanks to great word of mouth, merchandising, and multiple sequels and spin offs, Pac-Man is officially the “Most Successful Coin-Operated Game” ever. Even today, people love the game and its history. Just a few years ago, an up-and-coming comedian made a fake Pac-Man: The Movie trailer that was one of the first YouTube videos to go viral. Watch it below. To celebrate the 30th birthday of the iconic game, the Google homepage has its first ever interactive logo. When you click “Insert Coin” (which replaces “I Feel Lucky”), the game starts up and you are ready to have classic fun. To see Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani’s thoughts on the anniversary, check out Wired. For more on the doodle itself, watch the CBS News interview below with two “Google Doodlers”. Watch CBS News Videos Online Though Google Doodles usually only last 24 hours, Google started a day early, so the game is available until tomorrow night. Features Viral News GoogleGoogle DoodlePac-ManViral video
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Trailers Weekly: “Justin Bieber Never Say Never”, “Brother’s Justice”, “Sanctum”, “Rare Exports”, and “London Boulevard” October 30, 2010Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have the trailer for Justin Beiber… Read More