Donald Glover Campaigns for Spider-Man Role

Comedian and actor Donald Glover (Mystery Team, NBC’s Community) has started a viral campaign to get him an audition for the role of Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man film. Glover has taken to the social marketing streets (i.e. Facebook and Twitter) and is already seeing a lot of support. Get the details after the break.

The actor started the campaign yesterday after someone on Twitter let him know about an io9 article that suggested races other than “white” should be considered for the confirmed reboot to the wildly successful franchise. The comments were flooded with nominations for Glover. He apparently loves the character, and just wants an audition, as he mentions in a recent tweet.

Some people are mistaken. I don’t want to just be given the role. I want to be able to audition. I truly love Spider-Man.

Speaking of Twitter, Glover is using the hashtag tool to rally up support and create a trending topic, using “#donald4spiderman”. A Facebook group has even been created by one fan, and it already has over two thousand members. Check out the page for some great edited Spiderman photos that range from believable to hilarious. Personally, I find Glover hilarious and fun to watch, but it’s hard for me to see him in that role. What do you think?

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