Check Out These Fan Made Posters for Captain America and The Avengers Dan Koelsch, June 4, 2010June 9, 2010 This week, official concept art from next summers’ Marvel Studios films Captain America and Thor was released online. Now that we know what all the major players look like who will make up the Avengers team, let the photoshopping begin! Below the fold we have the best I’ve seen, as well as a cool poster for just Captain America. While I’ve seen a couple (lame) attempts at grouping Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor together, Deviant ART artist ALilZeker has really nailed it. Check out his posters Captain America and Thor below, and let us know what you think. Click on the images to see them in full size on DeviantART Fan Made Work Viral News Captain AmericaFan MadeMarvelThe AvengersThor
Watch: Sugar Rush Arcade Ad For Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” October 15, 2012October 15, 2012Disney is stirring up some nostalgia with the upcoming release of the video game flick Wreck-It Ralph. Now the film isn’t based on a video game per say, but it does draw inspiration from many fan favorite coin-op arcades. Recently, we posted an article that centered on a 1982 commercial… Read More
Sony Wants To Know If You Are The Face Of The Fan For “The Amazing Spider-Man” June 2, 2011June 2, 2011With a great question must come a great answer, and that is what Sony is doing in order to find out The Face of The Fan for their highly anticipated flick The Amazing Spider-Man. Sony announced in a press release that they will have a contest, running from today to… Read More
Check Out These Hip Hop Remixes From “Moon” February 23, 2011Duncan Jones’ Moon is a pyschological thriller that combines the creepiness and quiet of both space and loneliness. The music composed by Clint Mansell fits the 2009 film beautifully, and now “remixist” Max Tannone has done his thing to the score, along with some bits of dialogue from the movie’s… Read More
Those are very good – was going to put together something for my own use in a similar vein. Excellent
Hunh. Guess it’s just hard to place him without the hair. Always seemed like his face was a little thinner. All that much better for the role. It should be difficult to place who’s under a mask.