NBC’s The Office Wants To See Your Fanisode Dan Koelsch, June 13, 2010 Do you love The Office? Do you have a video camera? Well, then this contest is for you! NBC is letting fans recreate an episode of The Office, essentially creating a “fanisode”. You just film a part of the selected episode, “Murder”, then upload it to NBC.com. The episode is split into 86 tiny segments, so there are a lot of scenes to choose from, plus it should be easy enough with the limited length. The clips submitted can be live action, animation, or whatever you feel would work. Clips and a transcript of each segment can be found on the Fanisode page, and those who participate can also win points as part of NBC’s new “Fan It” affinity program. Once all the submissions are in, NBC will pick the best and edit them together to make an entire fanisode for “Murder” that they will post online. We’ll of course share that video when it is released, so stay tuned. Watch the full episode below to see if you’d be interested. Contests Viral Marketing Fan ItNBCThe Office
Become a Film Producer For Only $1 November 2, 2010September 15, 2012Frank Kelly, the Irish director of the innovative documentary 140, is working on his next project, and he is once again relying on crowdsourcing for some help. You can become an Associate Producer on the dark crime thriller Derelict for as little as one dollar. Find out how after the… Read More
DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again September 14, 2010Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community,… Read More
SNL Hits Hard With Charlie Sheen and Miley Cyrus March 7, 2011March 7, 2011This weekend Miley Cyrus hosted Saturday Night Live on NBC, and we got treated to jokes about Charlie Sheen, Beastly, the Disney Channel, and CBS, along with Miley constantly reminding us her scandals aren’t that bad. The full episode is available online, but if you want to see the highlights,… Read More