Super 8 Viral Update: Possible Craigslist Connection? Dan Koelsch, July 1, 2010 After we got the new print out from Scariest Thing I Ever Saw website, people have been looking deeper into the photo itself to find more clues. After some digging, it looks like there may actually be a lead that involves Craiglist and possibly a new viral site. Get the details after the break. The picture in the print out (seen below cleaned up) shows a room with a projected image in the foreground that matches the lens video in the trailer. However, it’s the background of the photo that is more interesting. As we mentioned before, there are some random items in the back that look to be on sale. The zip code on one of the boxes is 25801, which is in the SouthWest region of West Virginia. Some of the guys at Unfiction decided to check out Craigslist to see if in fact those items were being sold. Sounds like a long shot right? Well, it turns out there were some interesting posts in the Southern West Virginia classifieds. Super8News has a pretty good rundown of the whole thing, as there are several items being sold by a “Josh” in an estate sale that match up with what we see in the picture. Take a look at the postings below: While this could be passed off as just a coincidence, there are some clues that lead us somewhere. First of all, some of the pictures, there is a invitation on posted on the wall for some kind of memorial service or funeral, and the phone number is 708-2151. After some digging, 1-800-708-2151 leads us to information about a memorial service for a Evelyn Minker, whose son name is Josh. A Google search brings us a blog for a Josh Minker called Hookline and Minker. The guy is big on fish, with a knowledge for rare species, some of which are shown on the page and look quite frightening (maybe the Super 8 monster is a fish?). He had a personal issue come up in April, so this could be evidence it’s the same guy as the Craigslist poster. In fact, I’d bet that the partial date we see on the invitation is for April or May 16th, 2010. How else can try to figure out if this Josh is part of the Super 8 Viral? Well, there’s a Josh Minker apparently (I haven’t been able to confirm) registered on a UFO conspiracy forum. Also, the fact that none of the items listed on Craiglist have a price (they’re all “negotiable”) seems odd. Other than that, this could just be some poor fish lover we are bothering. To get all the latest and craziest speculation on “Josh”, check out Unfiction. We’ll keep you up to date on any of the viral news for Super 8, as well as any regular news given the film’s secrecy. Follow our coverage on the Super 8 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing CraigslistJosh MinkerScariest Thing I Ever SawSuper 8
New “Walking Dead” Web Series Debuts October 1st September 23, 2012September 23, 2012Last year, AMC released a short web series before the Season 2 premiere of The Walking Dead, giving us a glimpse into this world from another angle. Leading up to Season 3 of the zombie series, AMC is back at it again. Get the details after the break. Read More
WETA Sells New Book “The Art of District 9”, More Nominations From Spike September 6, 2010September 6, 2010Even a year after its release, District 9 just can’t stop its roll of nominations and merchandise. Visual effects production house WETA’s new book, The Art of District 9: WETA Workshop, contains more than just a series of concept art pictures. Adding to that, SPIKE TV has nominated District 9… Read More
DVD Review and Contest: The Innkeepers April 23, 2012April 23, 2012The indie horror film The Innkeepers had a limited theatrical run this past February after debuting in last year’s SXSW Film Festival. The film is available tomorrow on DVD and Blu-ray, and we have our review after the break. Also find out how you can receive our specially packaged copy… Read More
One curious note about “” is that a quick whois search shows that the domain is registered with privacy active, but what's most telling is that the domain wasn't registered until the day before the release of Iron Man 2 ( where most of us saw the 1st trailer for Super 8 ). The domain was created on May 6th, 2010 ( Iron Man 2 was released on May 7th ), and registered for 5 years. A fair bit more than a simple “fish enthusiast” with a blog would normally register some like this.Circumstantial perhaps, but leads more credence that there may be something to this. Also, the site has a contact email address….let's see if ol' Josh actually writes back. I'll come back and let you know if he does.
here i found something that could be of interest..i went through the whole blog and this post catched my eye(1) the post was on may 18, 2010it states “Sorry for the delay in posting. Something personal came up on my end and this site has proved a beast to deal with from my work computer.I’m still debating whether to add the Atlantic Wolffish to my list or not. Yes – it’s endangered – but it became that way through overfishing and not natural means. Should I make a distinction?”(2) so i searched that fishes name(atlantice wolfish) on wikipedia( on wikipedia it says of the atlantic wolffish “Although it is a fearsome looking creature, the Atlantic wolffish is only a threat when defending itself outside of the water.”so this could help us in the direction of what kind of creature we're dealing with and why its being transported on land