“Modern WarGear” Video Combines Modern Warfare and Metal Gear Solid Nick Butler, July 21, 2010July 21, 2010 A new viral video that combines Metal Gear Solid and Modern Warfare hit the web, and it’s pretty great. The 8 minute video entitled Modern WarGear (Act 1) is a hilarious mashup of these two massively popular video games. The video is the latest installment in an online campaign to stir up a fanbase for a small independent film called Beat Down Boogie. Watch the video after the break. Like I mentioned above this video is part of a viral campaign to get people excited for Beat Down Boogie, and until they go into full production there will be more videos like this – and we’ll keep you posted. Visit BeatDownBoogie.com to follow the development of the film and viral campaign, and let us know what you thought of Modern WarGear in the comments below. News Viral News Viral Videos Beat Down BoogieMetal Gear SolidModern Warfarevideo games
New Secret J.J. Abrams Trailer Attached to Iron Man 2 – Supposedly for Cloverfield Prequel May 4, 2010June 15, 2011Earlier today, it was announced that J.J. Abrams was going to attach a trailer to Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. This morning we got word that a new trailer for a currently unknown movie will be shown with Iron Man 2 at its midnight showings across the United States. Iron Man 2… Read More
Star Wars Uncut Is Complete August 22, 2010For those of you not in the know, Star Wars Uncut is a project started by Vimeo developer Casey Pugh to create a collective fan made version Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. Through the project’s website, Pugh got creative fans to recreate 15 second clips of classic… Read More
“The Walking Dead” Uses Viral Marketing Zombies To Prank NYC February 6, 2014February 6, 2014First it was the psychic in the coffee shop, then it was the demon baby terrorizing bystanders, now in anticipation of The Walking Dead coming back, the folks over at AMC prepared a frightful surprise for the citizens of New York City. Looks as though unsuspecting pedestrians have had run-ins… Read More