Battle: Los Angeles Viral Site Gets Its Own Posters Dan Koelsch, August 2, 2010January 19, 2011 Thanks to our partners at Fused Film, we have five new teaser posters for, the viral website for Battle: Los Angeles we told you about right before Comic-Con. The site is the haven of W.A.T.C.H. (Worldwide Assessment of Threats Concerning Humankind), which tracks alien threats. Check out the posters after the jump. (Click for High Res) The posters cover UFO events, including the 1942 Los Angeles military operation that sparked the idea for the film, as well as the attack that takes place in the film itself. Battle: Los Angeles opens March 11, 2011. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Battle: Los Angeles
Kryptonian Billboard for “Man of Steel” Leads To New Viral Website April 14, 2013April 14, 2013All aboard the Man of Steel viral train, because we got another stop on our way to the new trailer. After a flurry of updates involving the DSRW Project website and the Man of Steel homepage itself, we now have some real life outdoor marketing that ties into it all…. Read More
LOST: Dude Video and Massive Prop Auction May 13, 2010May 13, 2010ABC’s LOST is gearing up for its series finale in less than two weeks, so I guess it shouldn’t be surprising to find out they are auctioning off almost 100 different props from the hit show. Find out more, and see a compilation of all the times Hugo says “Dude”… Read More
Nike Finally Takes Us “Back to the Future” September 7, 2011Remember those cool, self-lacing shoes Marty McFly wore in Robert Zemeckis’ 1989 follow up to Back to the Future? At the time, they were purely product placement and special effects, but fanboys and girls everywhere have been wanting to own a pair for 22 years. Nike never had plans to… Read More