Viral Video: YouTube Gets In On The Social Network’s Action Iain Welford, August 5, 2010 It’s always inevitable that the movies gathering the most buzz will fall foul of the parody makers. Whilst the popularity of the new David Fincher flick The Social Network has surprised some, the YouTube parody group, Prussian Sunsets Productions has been quick to act. Check it out after the jump. The trailer shows the trial and tribulations of YouTube creators Chad Hurley and Steven Chen and shows just how much of a strain was put on their friendship so that you could watch a piano playing cat. The next time you see a skateboarding turtle on YouTube, you better appreciate it! Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos The Social NetworkViral videoYouTube
New ‘Limitless’ PSA March 3, 2011This week a new 20 second spot has shown up online for Limitless, the film about a miracle drug that changes Bradley Cooper’s character into the perfect version of himself, but at a high cost. The ad mimics the 1980s “This is Your Brain On Drugs” commercials, and falls in… Read More
Patton Oswalt Filibusters Plot For “Star Wars: Episode VII” & “The Avengers” Tie-In Movie On “Parks & Rec” April 17, 2013April 18, 2013After turning in one of the most emotionally charged reactions to the Boston Marathon Bombings on Facebook and appearing as The Penguin in College Humor’s parody of Christopher Nolan’s Batman, Patton Oswalt name is back again. This time its for political reasons, but not for gun control or anything serious,… Read More
Film Marketing Trends in 2011 January 13, 2011January 14, 2011We have learned over the past few years that there is no exact science to film marketing, particularly within the online realm. Hollywood studios have developed any number of different campaigns using social networks and alternate reality games that have lead to astounding success and abject failure. Writer and marketing… Read More