Viral Video: “Premakes” The Avengers (1952) Dan Koelsch, August 11, 2010 A few months ago, we told you about a WhoIsEyevan, a YouTuber who makes a very special type of fake trailers. The user takes footage from 1950s B Movies and the like, then compiles them together with some editing magic to make a classic trailer for a modern movie. The latest project is The Avengers. Check it out after the break. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos PremakeThe AvengersViral video
‘Man Of Steel’ Viral Site Teaches You Everything About Krypton November 5, 2013With Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel hitting Blu-ray/DVD shelves next week, Warner Brothers has launched a brand new viral website for the film called The site is designed specifically to teach you everything the humans (LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Labs to be more precise) have learned about the planet Krypton…. Read More
Viral Video: 100 Horror Movie Spoilers in 5 Minutes October 27, 2010The Fine Brothers are back to spoil more of your favorite things, this time ruining 100 horror movies in honor of Halloween. Watch the video after the jump if you dare. Read More
Ron Perlman Tries To Sell You Kaiju Body Parts in “Pacific Rim” Viral Video July 2, 2013In Warner Bros.’ Pacific Rim, giant sea monsters called Kaiju wreack havoc around the Pacific coast. Jaegars are giant robots designed to stop them, and when they do, there’s a huge carcass just sitting there. So, Hannibal Chau (Ron Perlman) made a business out of harvesting Kaiju body parts and… Read More