Piranha 3D Campaigns For An Oscar Dan Koelsch, August 17, 2010 One of the reasons that Piranha 3D has a special place in my heart is that it knows what kind of movie it is. It doesn’t try to be anything more than a silly, over-the-top, bottom of the barrel, horror film. The marketing so far has supported that, and it continues with their tongue and cheek “For Your Consideration” commercial, in which they vie for a Best Picture nomination from the Academy. Watch the funny video after the break.Piranha 3D: For Your Consideration from Piranha 3D Viral Marketing Viral Videos Academy AwardsawardsPiranha 3DViral video
Viral Video: Avatar… with Babies February 20, 2010February 21, 2010The beginning of the year is a popular time to make viral videos based off movies. Last winter we saw multitudes of Twilight parodies, and this year we have Avatar. Sketch comedy artists The Midnight Show have made a trailer for a version of Avatars where adults are the aliens… Read More
Donate Money to Create “Jedi Camp” February 21, 2012February 21, 2012A Kickstarter campaign has begun to raise funds for Jedi Camp, a web series that follows kids as they go to a special summer camp to learn the ways of the force. Get the details after the break. Read More
Tron Soundtrack Daft Punk Poster Revealed October 20, 2010After a delay of over a week, the Tron Legacy soundtrack website has revealed the exclusive Daft Punk poster that will ship with the “Delux Pre-Order” package of the album. As most know, Daft Punk produced the entire soundtrack and score for the film. See the glow-in-the-dark poster after the… Read More
The day this movie gets an oscar is the day that….shit, I don’t think anything can amount to that impossibility.