“Jim” (the Film) Gets A Viral Site Nick Butler, September 30, 2010 A viral site for Jim (the film) has appeared online and gives us a good look at Lorigen Engineering. It gives us background into the company, which plays a large part in the film. After the jump, take a look at the trailer for Jim the film and check out the viral site. Jim Theatrical Trailer from JimTheFilm on Vimeo.The viral site, LorigenEngineering.com, gives us a look into the history of the company, products they make, and a link to a Facebook application which allows you to morph two people together using their profile pictures. The site also includes a “commercial” for the company. Take a look:Lorigen Engineering from JimTheFilm on Vimeo.That’s really it, so check out LorigenEngineering.com and we’ll keep you posted with any significant updates. Viral Marketing jim the filmViral Site
“RoboCop” Viral Marketing Review February 17, 2014February 17, 2014Even before RoboCop hit theaters, many were questioning if it was a good idea to release a remake of the Paul Verhoeven classic that sought to satirize societies’ obsession with violence, sex, and other vices. Though the remake has garnered mixed reviews, it could have been much worse without a… Read More
You’re Needed For “Mission Icefly”! June 18, 2011July 1, 2011As you know we’ve been covering a new viral campaign from 42 Entertainment, the genius marketing firm behind great ARGs such as Flynn Lives and Why So Serious. There has been a lot of speculation as to what The Human Preservation Project could possibly be viral for, with 5 Gum,… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Finally Launches, Only a Chosen Few Can Be The 1701 April 24, 2013April 24, 2013Last December, a link was hidden in the first Star Trek Into Darkness teaser trailer. It lead us to AreYouthe1701.com, to sign up for what many hoped would be a huge campaign centered on the USS Enterprise (1701 is the ship’s registration number), turned out to be a dud. Sitting… Read More