“Tangled” Round Up: Contest, Ads, And Interviews Kris, October 25, 2010 Disney’s Tangled had a huge jump in their marketing not to long ago, and as expected it was the first of many more to come. A few wanted/found videos uploaded to YouTube aren’t the only things Tangled is giving us, though. Learn about Tangled sweepstakes, wanted ads, and more after the jump. After the Double Rainbow parody they did, Disney came out with 2 trailers right afterward for the Rapunzel reimagining. Since this a heavily character-based movie, it’s only appropriate to dedicate a short video for each one, hosted at Disney’s YouTube channel. They’re categorized as “Tangled – wanted:” or “Tangled – found:” with typewriter like- style titles all throughout, showing clips focusing on that character. Every once in a while they mix it up a little. My personal favorite is Pascal’s, being a “Lost:” ad. That tiny lizard has such a soothing voice. On to the sweepstakes! The theme of Tangled is about following and living your dream. Flynn’s dream apparently stinks, so what’s yours? Disney wants to know, and sharing your dream could win you several prizes like a trip to Disney, movie premires, 1,000 dollars, and more! Choose from a variety of lanterns, type in your first name, state, and write out your dream in less than 140 characters. Don’t have just one dream? No problem, you can do this 10 times a day. If you want to see mine, search the name “Kristopher.” If that wasn’t enough, over at Tangled’s main page is a 60 second interview with Zachary Levi (Flynn) and Mandy Moore (Rapunzel). The questions are not surprisingly one sided though. Finally, check out the Twitter interview with Mandy Moore from yesterday. That’s it for now, but more wanted/found shorts will be uploaded soon, focusing on Maximus (the horse) and Mother Gothel. I’ve been following this movie for almost a year and can’t wait for this Disney classic to come out! Dan and myself will be doing separate reviews, so stay tuned for Dan’s early review of Tangled sometime before the premiere. Tangled premieres this thanksgiving, November 24th, in both 2D and 3D. Contests News Viral Marketing TangledViral video
See “Abduction” Along With a Live Stream of the Hollywood Premiere September 12, 2011Lionsgate has teamed up with theater chains across 20 states to offer you a VIP fan experience: see a live stream of the red carpet premiere of Abduction in Hollywood followed by an advance screening of the movie! Plus you’ll receive some cool swag. Check out the details after the… Read More
Sneak Peek of New The Office Webisodes February 27, 2010NBC’s The Office has some of the best web content in the industry, and now the show is gearing up to have a new series of webisodes. In the last series, Kelly and Erin formed a girl music group. This time, Erin wants to try working in Accounting, and Angela… Read More
The Buzz: DC Movies, Spielberg Predictions, World War Z, and More! June 14, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More