Tangled: Medical Researchers Discover The Healing Powers of Rapunzel’s Hair Michael Lee, November 16, 2010November 16, 2010 Ever wonder how you could stay young forever or heal those cuts and bruises without expensive surgeries or the use of shamans? Well Disney Animation has answered that question so to speak. Hit the jump to see the latest viral video for Disney’s Tangled. In this viral video, Disney pokes fun at medication commercials. Here they are advertising the healing properties of Rapunzel’s hair, calling it Rapunzhair. Disney has also released a fragrance commercial viral video. Let us know what you think of these spoof commercials in the comments below. Tangled, Disney’s animated tale of Rapunzel, opens in theaters on November 24th in 2D and 3D. You can also read our review of the movie here. Viral Marketing Viral Videos DisneyRapunzhairTangledViral video
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Launches Early Viral Marketing Campaign September 24, 2014September 24, 2014It is never too early to start a marketing campaign for a film like X-Men: Apocalypse. And 20th Century Fox is starting some very early marketing promotion for the upcoming film, which will be directed by Byran Singer, by launching two new viral marketing websites. The film is actually no… Read More
Tron Legacy: Flynn Lives Members Get Package For Finding Sam, Killing Recognizers May 1, 2010May 1, 2010The countdown to Space Paranoids Online is still going, and while you watch the time tick away, you may have shot down a few Recognizers in the process. As we reported, shooting down 99 of the tank-like vehicles gives you an achievement on Flynn Lives, if you are a member…. Read More
Viral Video: 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes April 1, 2010November 23, 2010Back in January, we showed you a video with the 100 cheesiest movie quotes. The video is part of a series on YouTube channel of user “hh edits“, who has movie news site called Pajiba. This week we get another compilation from the video editor titled “160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger… Read More