“Tron Legacy” Viral Campaign’s Final Countdown Michael Lee, December 1, 2010December 1, 2010 After weeks of Internet viral activity, the Tron Legacy viral campaign hits the streets once again. We are only 16 days away from the big release and now the two-year viral campaign is coming to a close. The FlynnLives website has been updated with a message saying “The Final Countdown” has begun. If players manage to figure out the cryptic puzzle they will be taken to a new page. To find out what this page contains you will have to hit the jump.The site takes you to flynnlives.com/gygax/ where you are to solve a difficult puzzle (aren’t these puzzles always difficult though?) containing two large pentagons and six smaller pentagons. Fortunately the people over at unfiction forums have solved the puzzle and it revealed a new website flynnlives.com/digitalpulse/. As a reward for solving the cryptic puzzle the website unveiled a new 16 city viral marketing campaign and a countdown leading up to December 8th, what this campaign has in store for us is still unknown, but you can be sure that the movieviral team will be out on the field for this huge update. The site also contains a flyer for Kevin Flynn’s book tour that has been revised for 2010. If you still wanted to solve the puzzle, wikibruce says you have to apply the difference effect in order to match the patterns.“We need an operative on the ground in every city that Flynn visited. There is important evidence there, and we’re tracking down every shred of it.” Be sure to check back here at movieviral or at flynnlives.com/digitalpulse for any updates concerning the Tron Legacy Viral Campaign. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Flynn LivesTron Legacy
Join The Investigation for AMC’s “The Killing” April 1, 2012The second season of AMC’s The Killing premieres tonight, as the murder of teenager Rosie Larsen has yet to be solved. The show is a unique procedural that focuses on a single case for the entire series and delves into personal impact of the murder. Now you can follow along… Read More
What To Expect From Digital Marketing In 2010 December 31, 2009December 31, 2009With everyone seemingly focused on reliving 2009 and reminiscing over the first decade of the 21st Century, it’s refreshing to see some intriguing speculation about the year ahead. Advertising Age has posted a two part discussion about the anticipated digital marketing trends in 2010. I recommend checking out parts one and… Read More
New ‘Office’ Webisodes to Premiere October 21st October 4, 2010Many fans of The Office will argue that one of the highlights of last season had nothing to do with the show’s televised episodes, but rather The Office webisode titled “Subtle Sexuality.” The hilarious music video and subsequent viral campaign promoting it featured some of the show’s minor characters that… Read More