“Tron Legacy” Viral Campaign’s Final Countdown Michael Lee, December 1, 2010December 1, 2010 After weeks of Internet viral activity, the Tron Legacy viral campaign hits the streets once again. We are only 16 days away from the big release and now the two-year viral campaign is coming to a close. The FlynnLives website has been updated with a message saying “The Final Countdown”…
“TRON: Legacy” News Round-Up: Featurettes, Advanced Screenings, & Flynn’s Arcade Comes To London Dan Koelsch, December 1, 2010December 1, 2010 Yesterday was TRON Tuesday again, but instead of something really interesting, we just got three featurettes for the film. Also, Norelco joins the long list of companies cross-promoting with TRON: Legacy, and a Flynn’s Arcade opens up in London. Details and videos after the break.