Could Recent Jerusalem UFO Videos Be Viral For “Battle: Los Angeles”? Dan Koelsch, February 3, 2011February 3, 2011 The blogosphere has been aflutter in the past day or so over some video clips of UFOs hovering over Jerusalem. The legitimacy of the clips, supposedly taken over this past weekend, has caused some controversy online. Skeptics have torn the videos apart bit by bit, but nothing is certain. Now, however, we have an interesting theory as to the source and purpose of the videos. The clips supposedly were shot this weekend, and they show a glowing ball descend from the sky and hover over Dome of the Rock. What the object could be is limited as this is restricted air space. Watch the videos below (via AOL News) to see for yourself.The critiques from skeptics range from the audio sounding like it was edited in, to at least one clip just being a manipulated photograph. One theory I’ve gotten emailed about is that this was made by the marketing people behind Sony’s Battle: Los Angeles as part of the viral marketing campaign. While the W.A.T.C.H. Facebook page did pick up on the story, I doubt Sony is behind this. What do you think? Thanks to Cameron M. for the heads up! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Battle: Los AngelesViral videoW.A.T.C.H.
MovieViral’s 2 Year Anniversary! January 29, 2011January 29, 2011It’s hard to believe it’s already been 2 years, but on January 29, 2009, MovieViral was officially born. We’ve come a long way, and we want to thank all our readers for sticking by us and making this all possible. We are, as always, looking to grow and mature our… Read More
Fantastic Fest To Have Prison Party After “Red Dawn” Premiere September 5, 2012Fantastic Fest is an annual film festival held at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin, Texas. This year, the festival runs from September 20th to September 27th. According to their website, “Fantastic Fest is the largest genre film festival in the U.S., specializing in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, action and just… Read More
Dan’s High Five: 5 Places to Avoid If You Don’t Like Monsters October 25, 2009October 25, 2009It’s October, so the blogosphere is filled with Halloween-themed articles and lists. Why should we be any different? Last week we talked about zombies on the High Five, so this week we’ll move on to monsters. Sure a monster could turn up anywhere, but if you’ve seen enough monster movies,… Read More
It’s 100% true that we are being visited! Checkout this video that was put up recently. It was shot in Hollywood, California a few years ago and it was just put up after they realized what they had. The video quality is not that great, but it’s clear enough to see if you look closely. The best views are towards the end of the video. first even I thought they were just camera lens flares but but I’m no expert and then they do seem to move intelligently. At times following a police chopper, and then flying around it before flying up above the chopper in a vortex type of pattern.Even if you see it with your own eyes, you might not believe it. But it’s definitely not faked!
seriously, do you make shit up? i have seen u.f.o.s i have seen sum pretty decent evidence, yet this video is nothing but a helicopter, do you wish to see a u.f.o. soo bad, that your brain imagines them and places them in your memory banks? i ask because there is clearly nothing in this video.
It’s not a holograph, not super imposed or an after effect, the witnesses arent actors..its NOT fake. If a solid object descended from the sky to hover over the dome this is exactly how you would see it. Also I’m pretty sure there were reports in israeli newspapers of an israeli air force jet chasing a ufo that night … before the video’s were posted. Not to mention Stan Fulham.What are you all afraid of.
a helicopter,what in the hell you been smoking.helicopter don’t move that fast Albert Einstein.i don’t think you saw a u f o ,yea,right.
a helicopter,what in the hell you been smoking.helicopter don’t move that fast Albert Einstein.i don’t think you saw a u f o ,yea,right.
Not that I have anything to prove to you or anyone else but I can see them in the video, so I don’t know why you can’t.I don’t know the quality of your monitor that you’re viewing the video on but the video is dark and you have to look closely. The UFOs , which are specifically Unidentified Flying Objects are there! They are light orbs about the sixe of softballs. You have to keep your eyes on the screen and watch above the choppers blades and you’ll see the light orbs spiral up above the chopper. And no I’m not crazy. But perhaps you’re like my father who refusede to even look at some UFOs my mother spottewd one night back in the 1960s over the south side of Chicago. Everyone in the neighborhood came out and watched them for the better of an hour. It turned out they were the same UFOs spotted over Muncie Indiana at the time.
I don’t know the quality of your monitor that you’re viewing the video on but the video is dark and you have to look closely. The UFOs , which are specifically Unidentified Flying Objects are there! They are light orbs about the size of softballs. You have to keep your eyes on the screen and watch above the choppers blades and you’ll see the light orbs spiral up above the chopper. And no I’m not crazy. Also at times you’ll see the lights trailing behind the chopper.The reason the lights are not lens flares are because they change position in regards to the chopper each time it is in the same position in the sky as it circles around the Hollywood neighborhood. And the guy shooting the video never moves from his position. He just stands in one spot f panning with the chopper to keep it in frame. The tree and the building serves as landmarks to know where the chopper is and where the video camera is at all times. Keep in mind also that this is raw footage and hasn’t been enhanced or edited. though the camera movement is pretty steady ffor a handheld camera. Also you can see the cop car blocking off the area for no apparent reason.
Have heard this incident was video’d by four seperate parties, from four locations, angles. Not easy to hoax. To be sure, footage needs professional lab investigation. I am privalaged in knowing for near certain the UFO’s exist, from air force and civil pilots evidence, with radar backup. So this incident is not crucial to my beliefs. I don’t need get emotional or argue with sceptics. The question is, is this ANOTHER one of the real ones or not. I’m afraid UFO’s get boring, they are hellbent on merely observing us and simply don’t want to make any contact. Stories about abductions etc should be disregarded.
The second video is so obviously fake it’s kind of funny that anyone believes it. Notice that there is zero movement anywhere beyond where these people supposedly are and when it “zooms” nothing gets clearer and all the lights stay the same size…which doesn’t happen when you zoom. What you are looking at is an image that has had really simple effects done to it in Adobe After Effects such as digital shake, pan and zoom. This allows the artist to do extremely simple light movement to appear to be something flying above the dome. Come on people, all it takes to notice the really simple effects done to the image is some common sense. Also you hear all these people but don’t see a single bit of movement by the camera.
Here’s a video showing exactly how something like that is done.