Aliens Have Destroyed My Home, But Now We Know More About Them! Dan Koelsch, February 22, 2011 No, this isn’t the rant of a crazy man. The Battle: Los Angeles viral campaign has ramped up with two new updates. First, we at MovieViral got mailed a letter from the W.A.T.C.H. group that contains a photo showing my home being destroyed by our alien enemy. Fortunately, we do know a bit more about said enemy thanks to an update on one of the film’s viral sites. Details after the break. The letter I received was to promote the W.A.T.C.H. Ops game we told you about last week, and included was a nice image of my apartment being bombed by the aliens. Check it out below.While I may not feel safe at the moment, at least the updated Unidentified Enemy viral site now has information on the hierarchy of the aliens. There’s even a detailed breakdown of the infantry units (as partially seen above). There may be more content updated since our original post about the site, so check it out and let us know if you see anything cool!For more information on Battle: Los Angeles and its viral campaign, check out our Battle: LA Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Battle: Los AngelesMail
“Robocop” Remake Goes Viral With OmniCorp Website July 7, 2012We’ve seen almost nothing from the 2013 Robocop remake that stars Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Joel Kinnaman as the title character. Fortunately, MGM is changing that with a new viral website for OmniCorp, the company featured in the original series and now the reboot. Hit the jump for… Read More
Super 8 Viral: Rocket Poppeteers Certificates Mailed Out December 22, 2010You may have forgotten by now, but you were probably one of the smart people who signed up to become a Rocket Poppeteers astronaut at the end of July. After many months of waiting, it looks like some candidates have been accepted into the training program, as they got mailed… Read More
More Music Videos For Haiti Go Viral March 15, 2010While the “We Are the World” remake has received mixed reviews, it’s also gotten millions of views, and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of the Haiti relief efforts. Since it came out, several other collabrotative songs and videos have been released from around the world. Watch a… Read More