Viral Video: “House” Parodies “Pulp Fiction” Dan Koelsch, February 24, 2011 I haven’t watched an episode of FOX’s House M.D. since the beginning of this season, so I didn’t know about a certain homage to Pulp Fiction until Empire Magazine posted a video of it on Twitter. Take a look after the break to see the clip from the latest episode of the medical show, which mimics the “What Does Marsellus Wallace Look Like” scene from the Quentin Tarantino cult classic. Viral News Viral Videos HousePulp FictionViral video
Social Networks Bad Robot Replies To Zach Snyder Tweet With Their Own DC Comics/Star Wars Mashup August 9, 2014September 14, 2014Batman vs Superman director Zack Snyder has been tweeting some weird mashup pictures lately through his Twitter account. One had Superman‘s Henry Cavill photoshopped as a Jedi and another one recently had Batman walking next to R2-D2. The Batman one he tweeted to Bad Robot, so Bad Robot in response… Read More
What Is It? No Really, That’s The Name Of The Video September 11, 2010September 11, 2010One of the coolest, and yet, at the same time, most annoying things, is looking at something for a long period of time, because you think something is there, or better yet, because you’re told something is there. That is exactly what is going on with what you are about… Read More
Fan Tumblr Pages: “Fake Criterions” and “Memos From Fury” July 29, 2012Every once in a while we come across some funny or interesting Tumblr pages that are worth mentioning. This week we found two. Fake Criterions posts images of fake Criterion Collection DVD covers for modern movies, while Memos From Fury has some hilarious letters from the director of Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D…. Read More