Viral Sites For ‘INSIDIOUS’ Have Finally Creeped In Scott Caldwell, March 9, 2011March 9, 2011 Just the other day we had shown you the “coming soon” site holders for the INSIDIOUS viral, and today, they are up and running. And if they are giving us any clues as to how disturbing the film could be, then we may have ourselves a true horror film. Keep reading for more! Spectral Sightings, “The Experts In Paranormal Investigation”, leads off the first of two pages, as the site for a group of paranormal experts who offer up services that include a 100% money back guarantee. Now that is customer service!Lead by Elise Reiner (Lin Shaye), and joined by Specs (Leigh Whannell) and Tucker (Angus Sampson), this highly and technologically equipped staff are on the hunt for Imps, Phantasms, and the rare Demon. Take a look at the site, and see just how prepared they are to rid you and your loved ones of such unwanted guests. Or, buy your own on Craigslist! You’ll see the links under the “Spectral Equipment” page. The next site, Voice From The Further, is the ever popular to the viral world, blog. And while some blogs from viral’s past offered up very little to the story, this one just adds to the creepiness that one can only hope for.Filled with odd images of a disturbing smiling man in the background (and foreground), videos of bumps in the night, and frantic drawings, this site is run by a woman, who at the age of 7 went into a coma for 20 years! So what does she have to do with the film? I’ll guess we’ll have to wait and see.I’m getting chills writing this article from some of the posts on this blog. You have to read them if you are a horror fan.UPDATE: Check out an exclusive interview with Specs and Tucker from AITHYou can also follow Spectral Sightings on Facebook, and Valerie from the blog on Twitter.INSIDIOUS is in theaters April 1st, and with all things viral, keep checking in with MovieViral for updates to these pages. News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos DefaultHorrorInsidiousJames WanLeigh Whannell
Bryan Singer Takes Fans’ Questions As Part Of Facebook’s “X-Perts” Series March 17, 2011We have known for a while that 20th Century Fox was looking to use Facebook as a primary vehicle to market their upcoming X-Men: First Class. Since launching the trailer last month, the page has served as a hub for all things related to the film, including exclusive photos. Today… Read More
Shane Acker Interview on 9 September 8, 2009September 9, 2009Our friend Alex from First Showing was able to get 10 minutes in the same room with director Shane Acker and asked some great questions about his movie 9, to be released on Wednesday. In the interview, Shane talks about his influences, the trouble he had getting the film picked… Read More
“H+ The Digital Series” Has Viral Website and Videos August 15, 2012August 15, 2012Last week, the highly anticipated H+ The Digital Series debuted online to a favorable response. The web series is about a future where an implant hooks your brain up to the Internet 24/7. The company behind the technology has a website, and there are some in-world videos as well. Take… Read More