“X-Men: First Class” X-Pert Series: Nicholas Hoult Answers Questions About Beast

In early February, 20th Century Fox launched the X-Men: First Class Facebook page to reveal the film’s first teaser trailer. It was then announced that fans could ask the cast and crew questions through a feature called ‘X-Perts’. Earlier this month, First Class producer and director of the first two X-Men films, Bryan Singer, answered fans’ questions. Today, Nicholas Hoult, who plays Beast in the new movie, answered more ‘X-Pert’ questions. Hit the jump to see his answers.

Q: What drew you to the role of Hank McCoy/ Beast?

A: The fascinating part of the role for me was the chance to play Hank/Beast before and after his transformation. The combination of his intelligence and wit offset by his animalistic appearance was fun to play.

Q: What type of preparation did you do for the role of Beast?

A: In preparation for the role I watched lots of Frasier and listened to people who spoke with a similar accent to Kelsey, my dialect coach and I worked on creating something towards Kelsey’s dialect but without being an imitation. I also did lots of fitness training as being in the Beast costume and make up could be very tiring and tough physically.

Nicholas’ answers are far more insightful and thought-out than the one liners Bryan Singer gave a couple weeks ago. Head over to the Facebook Page to see the rest of the Q&A.

Check back next week when Oliver Platt will sit down to answer more questions. Get over to the ‘X-Men’ Movies page on Facebook to become an “X-Pert”!’

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