My last roundtable interview on Saturday was for Immortals, a retelling of the greek mythological tale of Theseus from the producers of 300. Director Tarsem Singh, producer Mark Canton, and lead cast members Henry Cavill, Luke Evans, and Isabel Lucas were in attendance. Check it out after the break.
Henry Cavill and Luke Evans 00:00 – 09:38
Cavill plays the main character, greek warrior Theseus who leads a war against the Titans to protect mankind and the Gods. Evans plays Zeus, who hand picks Theseus from peasantry. We of course had to get the elephant in the room out of the way by talking to Cavill about his recent casting as Superman in Zack Snyder’s upcoming film, as well as Evans being in the running for the Bourne Legacy prequel. They also talk about working with Singh, who is a visual director.
Mark Canton 09:39 – 18:08
Canton, one of the film’s producers, talks about 3D (which the film will be converted into), as well as inevitable comparisons to 300. Canton talks about choosing Cavill, a relative unknown, for the lead part and how they look like prophets for casting the next Superman. Xerxes, the upcoming prequel to 300, came up as well, as Canton was a producer for that. We even talk about Piranha 3DD.
Tarsem Singh and Isabel Lucas 18:09 – 25:56
Lucas, who plays Athena, was pretty quiet and reserved for the interview, but Singh, wearing a brightly patterned blazer, had no trouble taking the reigns. The visionary director of The Cell and upcoming The Brothers Grimm: Snow White discusses what drew him to this project, including how staying true to the myth wasn’t important to him. Singh had complete control of the project and talks about casting Cavill.
There’s much more in the full audio of the interviews, so listen below!
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