Terminator 2 Joins Shakespeare Trend Dan Koelsch, April 18, 2011 At the beginning of last year, we told you about a fan-made movement to turn The Big Lebowski into a Shakespearean play. Now someone looks to do the same with Terminator 2. Get the details after the break. “Terminator The Second” is a stage retelling of the classic James Cameron sequel, but with the words of William Shakespeare. The group behind it, the Husky Jackal Theater, is an independent theater collective based in Nashville, Tennessee. Using Kickstarter, the group hoped to gain $3,000 in donations to put the play on this summer, but as of today, they have exceeded their goal twice over with over $7,000 way before their deadline. “The Two Gentlemen of Lebowski” has actually been performed since we originally updated on the play being written, so the precedent for this strange kind of fan fiction is set. However, the two projects are a bit different. Whereas Lebowski was simply written in the style of Shakespeare, Terminator takes dialogue from actual Shakespeare plays and mixes them together to tell the tale. Read a few pages here and here to get an idea of how it works, or just watch the video below. Viral News ShakespeareTerminator 2
Viral Video: How ‘The Social Network’ Should Have Ended November 5, 2010The guys at How It Should Have Ended are at it again, giving us an animated take on how The Social Network should have gone. It’s actually pretty funny and is one of the few parodies to actually take on the film itself. Take a look after the break. Read More
Viral Marketing Final Parody Trailer for “The Muppets” Takes on “Paranormal Activity” & “Twilight” October 27, 2011October 28, 2011The success of The Muppets marketing campaign is coming to an unfortunate end and after parody trailers for The Green Lantern, The Hangover II, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, this final parody takes all of that and combines it with the box office smash Paranormal Activity 3 and… Read More
“Sharknado 2: The Second One” Offers Fans To Create A Scene With New Indiegogo Project April 14, 2014Whether or not you liked (or even seen) Sharknado, the TV Movie has become a cult smash hit. The ratings were so good that SyFy quickly commissioned a sequel appropriately titled Sharknado 2: The Second One. Now those who are a fan of the film or just have enough money… Read More
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