“Portal 2” Gives Interactive Look At “Super 8” Dan Koelsch, April 19, 2011 The videogame Portal 2 was released nationwide today, and already a pretty impressive easter egg has been found. The PC and Mac versions of the game include a level that allows you to explore the train seen in the trailers for Super 8 as well as the wreckage from the crash, up until the monster breaks through its car. Check out a video of the interactive sneak peek after the break. To my understanding, there is no connection between the two projects or the companies behind them, so I’m not sure where the collaboration came from. It’s cool to be able to explore inside the train and through the wreckage, but from what I can see, not much can be learned. Obviously, as more people play, the more that might be noticed, so we’ll keep an eye out for anything interesting found. Below are some of the things I did see.Highlights: The map (@ 1:04) – Shows the route the train takes from Area 51 to Ohio. I’m not sure what the black dots/smudges are for, but there are a lot more near the end of the trip.Three Dots – The symbol we’ve seen multiple times but still don’t what they stand for show up on boxes and several items in the train.Manifest (@1:21) – The train’s manifest shows just livestock, which shouldn’t be a surprise. I don’t think “alien” would be listed. “Engine 1912”, a term we’ve seen before, is the name of the train (or car? I’m not familiar with train terminology).Crash (@1:35) – We get an inside look into the crash featured in both the teaser and full length trailer.Wreckage (@1:59) – After blackness, we are finally outside in the wreckage from the crash.Monster car (@3:16) – We get to see the car that the monster/alien is in, then we see it busting out from a different angle than the trailers.Did you see anything else in this video or during your own gameplay? Let us know in the comments below! Source: /Film ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos PortalSuper 8
This Week In Viral: Terminator Viral Ends? May 25, 2009April 30, 2010Terminator Salvation opened this weekend, and thus another viral ends. Or does it? One of the challenges of covering viral campaigns is knowing when they really end. Read more… Read More
All Your O Belong to H.G. Wells! September 21, 2009September 21, 2009The Google mystery has been solved! In Google’s own bit of mysterious viral like antics, the online world has been discussing the meaning of the unusual appearance of UFO’s on Google’s homepage. First appearing on the 5th of September and crashing this site with the amount of traffic generated, Google… Read More
Viral Video Collection: Scott Pilgrim Remixes July 19, 2010July 19, 2010Over the last week, we’ve seen a few remix videos for Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. These videos, made by DJ Osymyso, were commissioned by Universal Pictures. We got to see one at the Los Angeles Film Festival, and the response was generally positive. Check out all six… Read More
The roar at the end was ridiculously freaky. Like to the max. Also I just played through it, I noticed a couple of numbers that seemed very standoutish. As if I was SUPPOSED to see them. Check the license plate by the alien’s car, it’s number has no light source on it yet it is very very blatantly white and lit up to see the licesne plate number. Also as you get into the field, on the side of a car, two sets of 4 digit numbers really stand out as well and they are also not lit but they are very standoutish. Also the cube we see in the trailer that flies through the kid’s wall and the cube shown in Minker’s Dad’s video (the one that looks kinda like an aperture science weighted storage cube), a ton of them were shown on the ground by an empty box, assuming they fell out of them. Big pointer there that you didn’t mention, toward the left of the ending area at the crash site. You’ll see it, there’s lots of them.