Check Out SNL’s Live Action “Ambiguously Gay Duo” Dan Koelsch, May 15, 2011 The Ambiguously Gay Duo animated shorts have been a staple on NBC’s Saturday Night Live since it came over from The Dana Carvey Show in 1996. The series follows Ace (voiced by Stephen Colbert) and Gary (voiced by Steve Carell), a superhero team that might be gay, which ends up helping to distract the villains they face. Last night, SNL brought back the short, but with a twist: a special gun turns everything into live action. Take a look after the break. The short has several cameos, including Jon Hamm as Ace and Jimmy Fallon as Gary. Bighead is portrayed by Carell, Colbert plays the villain he voices, Dr. Brainio, and host Ed Helms is a Two-Face-like villain. I wouldn’t be surprised to see SNL and executive producer Lorne Michaels try to make a live action movie based on this skit, and I imagine it would look something like this. Let us know what you think about seeing Ace and Gary in flesh and blood in the comments below. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Ambiguously Gay DuoSaturday Night LiveViral video
Judgement Day Is Here May 21, 2009April 10, 2010Well, technically Judgement Day was in 2004, according to the Terminator universe, but today is the day Terminator Salvation is released in the United States, so most if not all of the ARG should be wrapping up. Proof of that is the current state of Skynet’s website, shows a big red “…Recalculating…”… Read More
District 9: MNU and Christopher Still Updating! August 18, 2009August 18, 2009Update: Christopher’s blog has been back-dated to 8/13/09. District 9 was released this weekend, and usually (with a few exception), that would mean the viral campaign would be over. That is apparently not the case here. Both the Multi-National United and MNUSpreadsLies Twitter and Facebook accounts are still updating so… Read More
Social Networks “Anchorman” Gets An Exhibit In DC And Ron Burgundy Answers Twitter Questions October 24, 2013November 17, 2013The Newseum, Washington, DC’s 250,000-square-foot museum dedicated to everything news-oriented, has a new exhibit opening up in November. One that celebrates the 2004 hit comedy, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. “Anchorman: The Exhibit” opens prior to the release of the film’s sequel, Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Will Ferrell has… Read More