Check Out SNL’s Live Action “Ambiguously Gay Duo” Dan Koelsch, May 15, 2011 The Ambiguously Gay Duo animated shorts have been a staple on NBC’s Saturday Night Live since it came over from The Dana Carvey Show in 1996. The series follows Ace (voiced by Stephen Colbert) and Gary (voiced by Steve Carell), a superhero team that might be gay, which ends up helping to distract the villains they face. Last night, SNL brought back the short, but with a twist: a special gun turns everything into live action. Take a look after the break. The short has several cameos, including Jon Hamm as Ace and Jimmy Fallon as Gary. Bighead is portrayed by Carell, Colbert plays the villain he voices, Dr. Brainio, and host Ed Helms is a Two-Face-like villain. I wouldn’t be surprised to see SNL and executive producer Lorne Michaels try to make a live action movie based on this skit, and I imagine it would look something like this. Let us know what you think about seeing Ace and Gary in flesh and blood in the comments below. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Ambiguously Gay DuoSaturday Night LiveViral video
Everyone Goes Too Far In “Inside” Episode 6 August 3, 2011These recent episodes of The Inside Experience have been coming fast, and now we have Episode 6. This morning Christina woke up to find that her captor had recorded her (fortunately clothed) shower and put it on the Internet. Watch her extreme and unfortunate reaction after the break. Read More
The Office: Updates to Ryan’s Photo Blog November 14, 2009November 14, 2009As we reported last week, NBC’s The Office has a new viral website for the character Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak). The site is Ryan’s photo blog, where he periodically updates with new pictures and responses to comments. The site ties into the show pretty nicely, since Ryan actually talks… Read More
What Is The #Super8Secret? June 2, 2011Briefly: While that may seem like a loaded question with such a secretive movie and viral campaign, a new viral website has popped up (via @Super8Movie) that asks just that. We have nothing to go on, so check out and give us your best guess on what this is… Read More