42 Entertainment is Behind “Test Subjects Needed” Website, More Details Emerge Dan Koelsch, May 26, 2011 There’s now an interesting development in what I thought would be a one-off post about a unique viral marketing website for gum. On Tuesday, we told you about TestSubjectsNeed.com, which supposedly tested you to see if you could participate in the “Human Preservation Project”. Now we know that the site is from prominent viral marketing company 42 Entertainment, which raises the question of what this campaign is really promoting. 42 Entertainment has made a name for itself in recent years by running some of the best movie ARGs ever. It’s the company behind the quintessential viral campaign for The Dark Knight, as well as the recent (and extensive) TRON: Legacy campaign. Based on their portfolio and what we know about them, they seem to focus on technology and entertainment products and brands, which pokes a hole in our theory that the Test Subjects Needed (TSN) campaign is for Wrigley’s 5 Gum.So, how do we know this is a 42E campaign? The Seattle Weekly website has a QR Code advertisement that links to the TSN website. This ad is filed under “Ad Index > Entertainment > Concerts, Festivals & Events > 42 Entertainment”, which pokes another hole in our theory, since I’m pretty sure chewing gum wouldn’t be classified as a concert, festival, or event, no matter how good it is.On a side note, the TSN website has a mobile version, which I found out by using a QR reader on my iPhone. It has a similar experience to the regular site, but is more direct and looks really good for a mobile conversion. Also, at the end, it gives you a video that shows some of the images you see flash across the screen on the regular site.Of course, the Unfiction forums are all over this. While there were some initial indications that this could be part of the emerging ARG for The Dark Knight Rises, it seems that the gum theory has more support, especially since a commercial for the gum had the line “Test Subjects Needed” at the end.Thanks to MovieViral reader Yankee White for the information. Do you think this could be a campaign for something else? If it is for gum, are you still excited to participate? Viral Marketing 42 EntertainmentTest Subjects Needed
Play the “Lockout” Interactive Mission on YouTube July 18, 2012July 18, 2012The sci-fi action flick Lockout didn’t exactly make a splash at the box office when it released in April. Fortunately, now audiences have a second chance to catch Guy Pearce being a badass, because the film came out on Blu-ray and DVD this week, and to promote the occasion, Sony… Read More
Magnet Purchases “Europa Report” U.S. Distribution Rights: New Viral Content Coming? February 6, 2013February 6, 2013Every now and then, a viral campaign will start and then unexpectedly stop progressing, and then start up again, like Cobra Special Forces. Sometimes they just start and sit, for a very long time like the campaign for Sharlto Copley’s project, The Europa Report. The viral was discovered early last… Read More
Watch NBC’s 25 Minute Preview Of Their Spring Television Season December 2, 2010The Spring television season is almost upon us, and NBC has made a pretty lengthy to promote their new primetime shows debuting in the spring, as well as the return of some of your favorites. With NBC being the network at the forefrunt of viral, hopefully we’ll see come cool… Read More
At the National Confectioners Association’s Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago, the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co introducing a tropical flavor called Swerve to its 5 gum lineup. This could be it. http://adage.com/article/news/nestle-hershey-wrigley-show-products-snacks-expo/227740/Jonny
Hmmm, I wonder! Hoping it’s for something else.Reminded me of Fringe and the flashing images from Season 1 that suck your brain out. :p
I’m thinking Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. A bit later on when you sign up they say something baout sending stuff out to you. The flashing sound effects (coincidentally perhaps) sound just like Animus effects that the game uses, and it’s well known that the Templars are testing and training Subjects to fight the Assassin’s. My guess is beta access.
That first screen also mentions a lot of stuff about sensory anomalies and effects. Revelations deals with Desmond attempting to unlock the sixth sense.
It is possibly a game, not 5 gum. I did the test and signed uup, and a have an option to enter in my phone number. Underneath this, it says “By giving us your phone number, you are allowing us to send in-game messages to your phone. Leave blank to opt out.” It mentions ‘in-game’ a few times, so I think it isn’t 5 gum. Maybe Smeghead25 is right and it is for the upcoming Assassin’s Creed.
im confused…i signed up a week ago and i just got something in the mail. A small card says “We are both creatures of the senses, you and i – we inhabit the same reality, simmering just below the perceivable world.” at the bottem it says “THE PULSE IS GROWING. CAN YOU FEEL IT?” attached was a small device that has flashing blue LEDs. anyone know whats going on?
The ad that led me to the site was on facebook and said “what does Euphoria look like?” and had some kind of psychedelic picture beside it. This is a conjecture at best, but a film adaptation of Electric Kool-Aid Acid test is supposed to come out this year. It’s about hippies and acid, so, this website seems to along those lines.
Sorry if someone else already posted about this, but it looks like it IS for a concert. One of my friends got a package in the mail and it led to a new website. I’ve been part of an ARG before so I know to look for hidden areas on sites to click. I clicked on a spot and was linked to this video of a concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh-6owRbFvQ So yeah, it looks like the concert theory is correct, not a game or 5 gum. Maybe 5 is sponsoring it or helping to promote it? When I did the ARG to promote the Repo Men movie Wired Magazine was a big part in promoting the hunt. Just trying to pass along what I know. ^_^
I got my package in the mail and it says exactly what Katie’s says. I’m interested but upset that it has to be a hype promotion for something.
I like the exploitation clause 3. SUBMISSIONS In these terms of use, we use the word “Submissions” to mean text, messages, ideas, concepts, artwork, photographs, drawings, other media, your and/or other persons’ names, likenesses, voices, usernames, profiles, actions, appearances, performances and/or other biographical information or material, and/or other similar materials that you submit, post, upload, embed, display, communicate or otherwise distribute on or through the Site. We, our licensees, distributors, agents, representatives and other authorized users shall be entitled to exploit, publish, edit, distribute, and disclose all Submissions, and we shall not be liable to you or to any person claiming through you for any exploitation or disclosure of any Submission.